Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

Author: FanLit


FanLit’s Favorite Books of 2012

Here are our favorite books published in 2012. Hover over the cover to see who recommends each book. Please keep in mind that we did not read every SFF book published in 2012, so we know we’ve missed some good ones! You can read some of our thoughts about these books in today’s later Thoughtful Thursday post, and you can add your comments there, too. We look forward to hearing about your favorite books of 2012!




AUDIOBOOKS  released in 2012


We’ve discussed some of these books here.

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Our rating system

We realize that we’re not professional literature critics — we’re just a group of readers who love to read and write about speculative fiction — but we started this site to help SFF readers decide what to read and most consumers, whether of fine dining, vacuum cleaners, or fantasy novels, seem to like some sort of quantification. Thus, we assign “ratings,” even though a few of us find the notion disagreeable. We challenged ourselves to come up with a standardized rating system. Though Marion and Ryan a couple of us are notoriously stingy with our stars,

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FanLit’s Favorite Books of 2011

Here are our favorite books published in 2011. Hover over the cover to see who recommends each book. You can read some of our thoughts about these books in this post. In the comments, let us know if you agree, and what books we missed that are on your Best of 2011 list.




AUDIOBOOKS  (older books released in audio format in 2011)

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Great Bookstores: Larry Smith, Bookseller

Elizabeth Campbell went to Dragon*Con last weekend and wrote in to tell us about bookseller Larry Smith.

Larry Smith, Bookseller, is a conventions bookstore. He and Sally Kobee sell new science fiction and fantasy books in hardback, trade, and mass market bindings. They are out of Ohio, so in addition to Dragon*Con, we see them at ConText.

They’ve been doing this for freaking ever, they know freaking everybody, and it seems like they have every single freaking book in stock. Sally seems to know what you’re looking for before you do.

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Great Bookstores: Orielis’ Books

Elizabeth Campbell wrote in to tell us about a bookstore she loves. Orielis’ Books is an internet bookseller located in the Chapel Hill area. They attend the local SFF conventions:

Orielis’ Books are always in the vendor room at the Cons we get to attend in the Virginia/North Carolina area. They are an online used books business, and build their “brick and mortar” by wheeling in their treasure-crates of books into the hotel for the duration of the weekend.

I love having them at the Cons,

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FanLit’s Favorite Books of 2009

It’s quite a bit longer this year because we added a few new reviewers. Mostly we did not read the same books, but special mention goes to the first 10 novels which were highly recommended by more than one of us. Hover over the cover to see who recommends each book.

Children / Young Adult


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The Gathering Storm: Rename This Horrible Cover!

Everyone’s talking about Tor’s upcoming release of The Wheel of Time: The Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson.

Bill‘s got a copy in his hot little hands and we’ll be posting his review on October 27 at 12:01 am.

Meanwhile…. some of us aren’t too crazy about this cover art…

So, let’s have some fun with it! Can you suggest a BETTER title for a book with this cover? Put your title below. You may enter as many titles as you like.

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An Interview With Robert Rhodes

FanLit’s own Robert Rhodes was recently interviewed by Jason M. Waltz, founder of Rogue Blades Entertainment (RBE). RBE publishes Return of the Sword: An Anthology of Heroic Adventure which includes Rob’s story “To Be a Man”. You can read Greg’s review of Return of the Sword here. This interview is reprinted here with Mr Waltz’s permission.

Jason Waltz: What drives your art? What forces you, rides you, hustles you, controls you until its latest needs have been met? What really drives you to create speculative fiction art,

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FanLit’s Favorite Books of 2008

Joe Abercrombie‘s The Last Argument of Kings and Brandon Sanderson‘s The Hero of Ages (both trilogy enders) top our list this year. In fact, those of us who read any Abercrombie or Sanderson novels named them as favorite authors this year. Another mention goes to last year’s favorite: Patrick Rothfuss. Those of us who finally got around to reading his 2007 debut novel this year put it at the top of our lists.

Children / Young Adult

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Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

We have reviewed 8328 fantasy, science fiction, and horror books, audiobooks, magazines, comics, and films.

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