Scott Westerfeld’s Uglies is a futuristic teen adventure book that will keep even adult readers enthralled from the first page.
Tally is ready to be pretty. When you turn sixteen in this futuristic world, you are plucked from school and taken to have the “operation” that turns you from an Ugly into a Pretty. When you’re pretty you can do anything. You get to move to New Pretty Town and party all night long if you choose and Tally can’t wait to join her friends who have already “turned.”
By turn of chance Tally meets Shay.
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Thanks for the recap, I didn't get a chance to read that article. Self-published and indie published books don't have…
Generally my complaints about trends in genre publishing can be dismissed as the grumbling of a grumpy old person, but…
Continuing with my political readings, I enjoyed George Stephanopolous's The Situation Room: The Inside Story of Presidents in Crisis, which…
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