Department Nineteen, by Will Hill, is the beginning to a new young adult series involving a top-secret organization dedicated to destroying the vampires that have infiltrated society, along with the rare but occasional monster. It’s a kind of James Bond/Alex Rider meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer, fast-paced, action-filled coming of age story with some flaws — a few implausible moments, some predictability — but a strong backstory, a likable main character, and its fast pace will more than make up for those flaws with its young adult audience.
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The Changeling is everything you say it is Sandy. It is well-crafted and low-key in a way that lends considerable…
Solo Leveling is a visual masterpiece! The animation is smooth, and the fight scenes are insane. Every battle feels epic,…
Solo Leveling is straight-up amazing! solo leveling manhwa The animation really brings the story to life — the action scenes…
Solo Leveling is straight-up amazing! The animation really brings the story to life — the action scenes are so smooth,…
Solo Leveling is straight-up amazing! The animation really brings the story to life — the action scenes are so smooth,…