Acacia by David Anthony Durham
David Anthony Durham‘s Acacia has some of elements of epic fantasy we’ve all seen before: a large empire, a resentful race, a king’s children scattered and forced to grow into previously hidden strengths, a near-ritualized style of sword fighting, political intrigue, large battle scenes, and a few others. But anyone thinking to write off Acacia as simply another cookie-cutter fantasy would be missing a highly rewarding read — for Durham gives us these familiar set-ups only to repeatedly yank them out from under our feet.
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good summation
As you pointed out, it sounds like a *great* kids' book, and maybe that's enough for it to be. It's…
Well, darn! Because these covers are just as cute as a bug's ear!
The Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin. A science fiction classic from the mid-1970s that I wish I had read a…
Thank you for this review, Stephanie! It's thorough, informative, and fun to read!