The finale to Yoon Ha Lee’s MACHINERIES OF EMPIRE trilogy, Hugo-nominated Revenant Gun (2018) tells the story of what remains of the Hexarchate ten years after Kel Cheris/Jedao threw it headfirst into civil war. On one side of the war, the Protectorate attempts to reunite the former Hexarchate and restore its violent calendrical (magic) system. On the other side of the war is the Compact, Cheris’s newborn state founded on a completely different calendrical system that simultaneously ends the gory human sacrifices of the Hexarchate and grants its subjects a higher level of individual choice and control over the system’s calendrical effects.
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The Changeling is everything you say it is Sandy. It is well-crafted and low-key in a way that lends considerable…
Solo Leveling is a visual masterpiece! The animation is smooth, and the fight scenes are insane. Every battle feels epic,…
Solo Leveling is straight-up amazing! solo leveling manhwa The animation really brings the story to life — the action scenes…
Solo Leveling is straight-up amazing! The animation really brings the story to life — the action scenes are so smooth,…
Solo Leveling is straight-up amazing! The animation really brings the story to life — the action scenes are so smooth,…