The finale to Yoon Ha Lee’s MACHINERIES OF EMPIRE trilogy, Hugo-nominated Revenant Gun (2018) tells the story of what remains of the Hexarchate ten years after Kel Cheris/Jedao threw it headfirst into civil war. On one side of the war, the Protectorate attempts to reunite the former Hexarchate and restore its violent calendrical (magic) system. On the other side of the war is the Compact, Cheris’s newborn state founded on a completely different calendrical system that simultaneously ends the gory human sacrifices of the Hexarchate and grants its subjects a higher level of individual choice and control over the system’s calendrical effects.
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Oops... should've said "Thank you, BECKY"! Anyway, I just read the interview and enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for sending!
Thanks so much, Marion! I look forward to reading the entire interview later on today!
I found this interview with Williamsin - about halfway down Steady State is mentioned in a question about The Starchild…
I do believe you may be right about that, Marion! And yes, I'd be curious to learn the answer to…
I think writers are comfortable using various theories in order to make their stories work, without necessarily believing in that…