In Pierce Brown’s debut novel, Red Rising, humanity lives in a strictly hierarchical society, with the various castes marked by colors: Golds at the top, Reds at the bottom, Pinks for pleasure, Yellows for bureaucrats, etc. Darrow, a young Red, who mines beneath the surface of Mars for Helium-3, has always accepted the hierarchy as it has been drummed into him, until events cause him to see things differently. Eventually, he is set on a path whereby he will seek to undermine the Golds’ power and spark a revolution of Reds.
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Always my pleasure, Marion! And if you get TCM (Turner Classic Movies), you'll find that they do a nice job…
Thanks for Shocktober, Sandy! I didn't realize Jamie Lee Curtis was in Prom Night. She earned that "Scream Queen" title,…
Excellent, Marion! I just hope they didn't cut too much out for TV viewing....
Happy Halloween, Marion, and thanks for the hedzup on "Late Night With the Devil." I'd never even heard of that…
Oh, my gosh, I SAW Manitou on TV after it came out! Blast from the past.