Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

Author: Ruth Arnell


WWWednesday: May 22, 2013

The things you should read edition:

“‘We Have Always Fought’: Challenging the ‘Women, Cattle and Slaves’ Narrative” by Kameron Hurley


10 Novels That Are More Action-Packed Than Most Summer Movies

The Nina Allen 101 Women to Read Meme

M.L. Brennan Looks Beneath the Veneer of Escapism

2013 Hugo Voter Packet Now available

2012 Nebula Awards winners announced

MIND MELD: What is the Literary Appeal of Gods,

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WWWednesday, May 15, 2013

For your daily dose of pretty: Many of you probably remember the series of painting of Disney princesses in historically accurate clothing. Well, the same talented artist, Claire Hummel has started doing the Disney villains, and look at her first offering. Maleficient. Gorgeous. Click through for a bigger image and to see the rest of the series.

Coulson lives. Coulson lives!! I’m pretty sure that this is the equivalent of the Marvel fandom pulling an “I believe in fairies!” moment. Also, here’s the full trailer for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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WWWednesday: May 8, 2013

The very polarizing THOMAS COVENANT series by Stephen R. Donaldson is getting its final installment. Check out the recently released cover art (I think that’s a John Jude Palencar cover, though it isn’t credited) and read a chapter here.

If you haven’t signed up for the Orbital Drop newsletter, you should. They send out an email once a month with their e-book of the month for sale. This month is Daniel Abraham‘s The Dragon’s Path and Leviathan Wakes for $2.99.

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WWWednesday: April 24, 2013

Free YA audio books to listen to this summer including The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater, Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers, and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll.

A great video discussing the controversy surrounding Orson Scott Card and the reaction to him writing Superman comics. Basically, does it matter if the artist creating something you like is “a dick”?

Rachel Rostad’s slam poem “To JK Rowling, from Cho Chang,”

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WWWednesday, April 17, 2013

The new teaser trailer for Catching Fire is out. I am loving that they don’t show the arena at all. People who haven’t read the books are going to be surprised!

Also, the final trailer for Star Trek: Into Darkness is out. MMMmmmm, such a pretty movie.

Are you behind on your reading? Well, here’s something else to make you fall even further behind: A serialized novel where each chapter is a different fairy tale! “Tickling Butterflies is an epic fantasy made out of 128 separate fairy tales that can be read independently (supposedly) but together weave one epic fairy tale about its main character,

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WWWednesday: March 20, 2013

io9 is hosting a March Madness tournament to decide which TV science-fiction franchise is the  greatest.

Middle Earth is having their own March Madness. Will Frodo upset Sauron?

And if you have no idea what March Madness is all about, here’s a video that explains it using Star Wars.

io9 also tells up about a project that generated reading lists based on your Hogwarts house, complete with photos of the bookshelves.

The women over at The Book Smugglers posted the results for their Old School Wednesday Readalong – 

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How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy: A manual by Orson Scott Card

How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy by Orson Scott Card

Orson Scott Card is an award-winning author of dozens of science fiction and fantasy books, including the Hugo and Nebula award winning Ender’s Game. So who else would you turn to for instruction on how to write a science fiction and fantasy novel? I’m working on a novel — isn’t everyone these days? — and picked up How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy for some instruction. I’m used to writing for an academic audience,

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WWWednesday: March 13, 2013

I’ve been gone for the last several weeks. Nothing exciting. It’s just that I have depression, and when it gets particularly bad, I kind of go into survival mode and the things that aren’t essential to my continuing function as an oxygen-processing organism get shelved for a bit. But things are getting better. So I’m venturing back into WWWednesday territory to say hello! I’m alive! and lots of cool things are happening out there in SF land. And thanks to Kat for giving me the time I needed to get back to healthier.

We’ve got new nerd trailers galore — 

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Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

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