Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

Author: Amanda Rutter (guest)


The Initiation: Classic YA paranormal romance

The Initiation by L.J. Smith

Cassie Blake is distraught when her mother decides to uproot to the small town of New Salem in order to take care of a grandmother who Cassie had never even met before. But that is only the start of her problems. Starting a new school, trying to make new friends — and discovering that some of the people she would most like to befriend are all part of some secret Club that Cassie is not permitted to join. Then a girl dies and Cassie is finally initiated into the Secret Circle,

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The Vampire Diaries 2: The Fury & The Reunion

The Vampire Diaries: The Fury & The Reunion by L.J. Smith

This is the second bind-up for THE VAMPIRE DIARIES. The Fury and The Reunion were originally published as two separate books; in fact, The Reunion was published some time after The Fury, which effectively closes the trilogy begun with The Awakening and The Struggle). In The Fury Elena,

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The Vampire Diaries 1: The Awakening & The Struggle

The Vampire Diaries 1: The Awakening & The Struggle by L.J. Smith

Elena is the ice-blonde queen of the school, admired by girls and boys alike. With her friends, Bonnie and Meredith, she enjoys her status and uses it to snag the most eligible boys. However, Elena always feels as though something is missing. When new boy Stefan starts at the school, she suspects she has found what she is looking for, but Stefan manages to resist her charms. Elena makes a vow with Bonnie and Meredith that she will have Stefan no matter what — little suspecting that he hides a deadly secret.

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World Wide Wednesday: Kerfuffles and Piracy

Ha, so I totally used that particular title because I like the word ‘kerfuffle’. Also – curmudgeon, rapscallion and dagnammit! But enough about that – time to bring you news from the World Wide Web!

1) Cook’s Source

So… pretty much the whole Net has now heard about Monica and her experiences with the editor at Cook’s Source – but for anyone who has remained oblivious, I bring you the full account here. This one went absolutely viral and Cook’s Source found their Facebook page inundated with complaints about the cavalier attitude shown –

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World Wide Wednesday: Nanowrimo and Dark Fiction

Welcome back to World Wide Wednesday! Any of the regular readers of WWW will know that every now and again there is a week’s break from the post: I should explain that it will most often fall on the first week of a month since I am an accountant and work increased hours, hence finding it hard to fit in extra-curricular activities.

I’m going to stop blathering now, and give you this week’s ten items of interest (at least to me!)

1) Nanowrimo

Those in the know will already recognise that this stands for National Novel Writing Month.

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Why You Should Read… Daniel Abraham

If you’d like to contribute a column to this series, please contact Kat.

Our latest guest to talk about a favourite and worthy author is none other than Aidan Moher, the brain behind A Dribble of Ink and contributor to SF Signal. He wants to talk to you today about the author Daniel Abraham.

When I was asked to come up with an author for Why You Should Read…, the answer was easy. Daniel Abraham.

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Why You Should Read… William Gibson

If you’d like to contribute a post to this series, please contact the editor.

Today I am pleased to welcome Tom Hunter, the ever-enthusiastic Award Administrator for the Arthur C. Clarke Award. Tom can be found on Twitter as @clarkeaward. It should come as no surprise that his chosen Why You Should Read… subject comes from the world of Science Fiction, one William Gibson.

“Anti-buzz,” he said. “Definition by absence.”

She waited to see if he’d indicate that he was joking.

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Why You Should Read… Ursula K LeGuin

I am pleased to welcome Mark Barrowcliffe today – M D Lachlan (author of Wolfsangel) – to talk about one of his favourite authors. Mark’s website can be found here, and he posts on Twitter as @mdlachlan. His article is about Ursula K LeGuin.

I’m going to confess – I haven’t read that much of the author I’m recommending here, although I was until recently under the impression I had read more. So this comes as a recommendation to myself – one that I intend to follow – as well as to you.

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World Wide Wednesday: Birthday Cakes and Dating!

Right, I’m a busy little bee today, so I am breezing in and out with a very quick look at some of the posts that tickled my fancy this week – there is a more humorous tone compared to last time out, when I had such sad news to impart.

1) Top 10 Geeky Birthday Cakes

First up, this link is a ton of fun: showcasing the top 10 geeky birthday cakes. These are just incredible – some people really do take their geekdom to undreamed-of heights!

2) Women in Science Fiction


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Why You Should Read… Bill Willingham

Our contributor this week is another of those bloggers who needs little introduction — he is a sunny presence from Bulgaria: Harry Markov. He is the benevolent Overlord of Temple Library Reviews and also owns Through a Forest of Ideas, where he discusses the principles of writing. He can be found lurking on Twitter as @harrymarkov. Harry wants to talk to you today about Bill Willingham.

I am pretty much cheating by default, because Bill Willingham doesn’t write novels, but has a career in comic books.

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Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

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