Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

Day: June 12, 2014


Thoughtful Thursday: Happy birthday to us! [And we’re giving away gifts!]


This week marks our SEVENTH birthday. Some of us (Kat, John, and I) have been around since the beginning (June 2007). Rebecca and Kelly joined us in 2008. Ryan and Terry arrived in 2010. Marion and Tim showed up in 2011, Brad and Steven joined in 2012. Sandy was a guest here for a couple of years before finally giving in and signing on a couple of months ago.

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The Quick: Not (just) another vampire novel

The Quick by Lauren Owen

The blurb of Lauren Owen’s debut novel The Quick piqued my interest, with its talk of an unlikely romance, Victorian London’s secret underworld, and a mysterious members-only institution, The Aegolius Club. And its cover, an understated black-and-white photo of a young man reading in a library, spoke to the part of me that loves elegant, emotionally-withdrawn period dramas. Had I known it was another vampire novel, I might have been less excited about picking it up. And that would have been a real shame.

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Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell

Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell by Paul Dini (author) and Joe Quinones (artist)

Paul Dini’s Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell is a stand-alone graphic novel that tells a single tale of their working together; however, Dini also works in some flashbacks that flesh out the history of Canary’s and Zatanna’s relationship, my favorite parts of the book. Overall the story is a good one, but it’s not exceptional. And as a story about two strong women, it fails in a few ways that are disappointing considering the story was published in 2014.

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Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

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June 2014