
The 2019 Hugo nomination window is now open. Members of the 2018 WorldCon or the 2019 Dublin WorldCon may nominate. Thanks to Locus.

Serafina, (c) 2019, 2005 Jessica Joslin

Serafina, (c) 2019, 2005 Jessica Joslin

Books and Writing:

Sherilyn Kenyon has accused her ex-husband Lawrence Kenyon and a woman named Kerrie Plumb of poisoning her over several years. This story would be fascinating if it weren’t so frightening. In other social media, Kenyon has announced the end of her 28-year marriage along with the rescheduling of some publication dates. Keep scrolling down;it’s there, I promise.

Over on Whatever, John Scalzi responds to an article about negative reviews (The Art of the Pan). Scalzi has been a reviewer, and his points are good ones. The article itself (linked on the blog) is also interesting.

Lin-Manuel Miranda and his friends have purchased the venerable Drama Bookstore, which was at risk of closing due to the escalating Times Square rents.

Nerdmuch has a list of lots of cool books coming out in 2019. So do we. Be sure to check our New Releases page, too. I am excited for Ann Leckie’s first fantasy novel, The Raven Tower.


Bill recently reviewed V.S. Schwab’s sequel to Vicious, Vengeful, here. For no reason whatsoever, I will give a copy of Vengeful to one random commenter.

TV and Movies:

Weird City, coming to YouTube, looks… funny.

Michael Livingston reviews The Outlaw King over at


Detail from Aurelia, (c) 2019, 2003 Jessica Joslin

Detail from Aurelia, (c) 2019, 2003 Jessica Joslin

ChooseCo is suing Netflix for intellectual properties infringement over Black Mirror; Bandersnatch, a Netflix interactive movie. Thanks to File770.

Doctor Who’s recent regeneration has not pleased everyone, especially folks who believe that the non-human character should only be white and male. The latest Doctor, played by Jodie Whittaker, however, has also introduced the show to a new audience.



News you need to have: The Vatican has launched a track team.

File770 chose this article for its clever title, but it’s interesting! And good to know.

Dwayne Johnson, AKA The Rock, says he did not make any statements to the British tabloid Daily Star, did not grant them an interview at all and did not refer to “Generation Snowflake.”

You may not be a fan of avocados, as I am. You may not care that they are high in potassium. You may not like their creamy (or as a not-a-fan friend says, squishy) texture. Okay, but you do like art, right? So enjoy some avocado art, because the internet is amazing. I mean, I can’t even carve a watermelon into a basket shape, but some folks can do this.

And then, this: Toto’s “Africa” sung by… well, you’ll see. And “sung” is being generous.


Ludwig, (c) 2019, 2006 Jessica Joslin

Ludwig, (c) 2019, 2006 Jessica Joslin

Is asteroid ‘Oamuamua a space ship? Here is Space’s article about a theory two astronomers from Harvard have shared, that the oddly shaped “visitor from afar” is really a lightsail built by an extra-terrestrial race.

This one is from 2017. And no, Seth Shostak, ‘Oumaumau as a name is no harder to pronounce than your name.


The world’s oceans seem to be warming faster than the UN’s latest report projected, with 2018 another record year for warming.

Two beautiful, historic riverfront gardens near the Taj Mahal have been restored.


You can find more of Jessica Joslin’s eerie, soulful sculptures here.


  • Marion Deeds

    Marion Deeds, with us since March, 2011, is the author of the fantasy novella ALUMINUM LEAVES. Her short fiction has appeared in the anthologies BEYOND THE STARS, THE WAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE, STRANGE CALIFORNIA, and in Podcastle, The Noyo River Review, Daily Science Fiction and Flash Fiction Online. She’s retired from 35 years in county government, and spends some of her free time volunteering at a second-hand bookstore in her home town.

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