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SFF Author: Charles Yu

Charles Yu(1976- )
Charles Yu is a lawyer with degrees from University of California, Berkeley, and Columbia. His short story collection Third Class Superhero was published in 2006, and his first novel, How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe, came out in 2010. In an interview with the New York Times Artbeat blog, Yu jokingly said that his parents “would have killed me if I have pursued an MFA” and that while in college he never took a creative writing class. He was named one of the National Book foundations “Five under Thirty-Five;” young writers to watch. Charles Yu lives in Santa Monica, California with his wife, Michelle, and their two children.


Sorry Please Thank You: Stories by Charles Yu

Sorry Please Thank You: Stories by Charles Yu

[At The Edge of the Universe, we review books that may not be classified SFF but that incorporate elements of speculative fiction. However you want to label them, we hope you’ll enjoy discussing these books with us.]

It is rare that I find myself blown away by a collection of short stories. Unless it is a “selected” anthology, where an editor can sort through a long career of writing and winnow out the mediocre and simply bad (even then there’ll most likely be at least a few I don’t care for),

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Interior Chinatown: Guest starring in America

Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu

In his whimsical way, Charles Yu writes about the Asian-American immigrant experience in Interior Chinatown (2020). The story is about Willis Wu, a young man whose family lives in an SRO (Single-Room Occupancy Hotel) in the Chinatown of mid-20th century San Francisco. He’s the son of immigrants who came to America looking for a better life but who have been misunderstood, alienated, marginalized, ghettoized, and further discriminated against by an American government and populace that is always putting people into boxes and insisting that they stay there.

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A People’s Future of the United States: Speculative Fiction from 25 Extraordinary Writers

A People’s Future of the United States: Speculative Fiction from 25 Extraordinary Writers edited by Victor LaValle & John Joseph Adams

In reaction to the Donald Trump’s election as president of the United States as well as to the rhetoric spewed by his far-right supporters such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham, Victor LaValle & John Joseph Adams wrote to a diverse set of speculative fiction authors with this charge: “We are seeking stories that explore new forms of freedom, love, and justice: narratives that release us from the chokehold of the history and mythology of the past… and writing that gives us new futures to believe in.”

The “mythology” they refer to is the history we learned in school which taught us about all the great white men who accomplished all the significant events in American history.

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Next SFF Author: E. Lily Yu
Previous SFF Author: Brenna Yovanoff

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