This week Dan Wells, author of The Devil’s Only Friend, the first novel in the second JOHN CLEAVER trilogy, stops by to answer some questions about demons, mortuary science, and writing for young adults — or, as he calls it, writing. It’s a terrific book (as were all three entries in the first trilogy, here are my reviews), and Dan has some interesting things to say about it. We’ll be giving away a copy of The Devil’s Only Friend to one random commenter with a U.S.
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Hi Grace, I'm the director of the behavioral neuroscience program at the University of North Florida, so I teach and…
thanks for the review-- liked your distinction between how younger and older readers might respond, what they might react differently…
I hope you get this email is [email protected] you get this
you are doing well. keep in up.
All you need to know about bird flu is that there is no human to human transmission case and never…