Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots
Anna Tromedlov (try reading that backwards) works at a temp agency that supplies minions to evil villains. Her expertise is in data analysis so, typically, her jobs involve spreadsheets and reports and she gets to work from home. This fits her personality nicely, plus it’s the safest way to work for an evil villain.
When her best friend June encourages her to take an on-site job, Anna agrees that it might be good for her. She is just beginning to add new skills to her resume when there’s a conflict between her boss and a superhero and she gets badly injured by the hero.
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Wow, sounds terrific. Adding it to my list.
Yes, the birds and small animals (often in silhouette) along with flowers, vines or other foliage; the young, attractive person's…
My opinions are mixed. I liked some of the older book art, I like some of the new art. There…
I like the title, too, Marion.
The only thing I remember about this one is that I loved the title. Thanks for the walk down memory…