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SFF Author: Erin Hoffman

Erin Hoffman Erin Hoffman is a writer and video game designer from northern California. Born in San Diego, she began writing at a young age, and has designed video games for Taldren Inc, 1st Playable Productions, HumaNature Studios, Dreamworks, and Zynga. Her short fiction and poetry have appeared in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Electric Velocipede, Asimov’s Science Fiction, and elsewhere. Sword of Fire and Sea: The Chaos Knight, Book One is her debut fantasy novel from Pyr Books. She serves on the board of the International Game Developers Association and lives with her husband in Richmond, California. Learn more at Erin Hoffman’s website.


Sword of Fire and Sea: Would work better as an RPG

Sword of Fire and Sea by Erin Hoffman

At the start of Erin Hoffman’s debut novel Sword of Fire and Sea, Captain Vidarian is tasked by the priestess Endera to transport Ariadel, a young fire priestess, to the safety of a water temple. The journey will be dangerous, because Ariadel is pursued by the telepathic Vkortha, so Vidarian is understandably reluctant to take on the assignment, but when Endera invokes an old pact between his family and the Temple of Kara’zul, he has no choice but to comply….

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Magazine Monday: Tragedy and Comedy

Crossed Genres, a magazine published online, digitally and in print, has a unique approach to genre fiction: every month it chooses a genre and requires that the stories it publishes that month combine the chosen genre with some aspect of science fiction or fantasy. Issue 27 offers a mash-up of science fiction and fantasy with tragedy. Surprisingly, none of the five short stories uses the traditional tragic element of a hero with a fatal flaw, which would seem tailor-made for SF and fantasy. Instead, the writers simply write stories that end in sadness.

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Next SFF Author: Mary Hoffman
Previous SFF Author: Alice Hoffman

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