The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks
Perusing bookshops in Poland one finds fiction is categorized along the same genre lines as America or Britain. They have horror, fantastyka, science fiction, kryminalny — all of which are readily recognizable to the English speaker. There is one additional category, however, that I’d never seen before: sensacyjny. Neither ‘sensual’ or ‘sensation,’ the word, in this context, translates to ‘sensational.’ Not in the ‘amazing’ or ‘magnificent’ sense of the word, rather ‘sensationalist’ or ‘suddenness’,
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The only thing I remember about this one is that I loved the title. Thanks for the walk down memory…
Thanks for the recap, I didn't get a chance to read that article. Self-published and indie published books don't have…
Generally my complaints about trends in genre publishing can be dismissed as the grumbling of a grumpy old person, but…
Continuing with my political readings, I enjoyed George Stephanopolous's The Situation Room: The Inside Story of Presidents in Crisis, which…
The next installment in Goldeen Ogawa's "Professor Odd" series is the latest one released so far, #12 "Cerberus Retired", serving…