In the interest of accuracy, let me note that the edition of Minion that I have is the “Special Huntress Edition.” This is a sort of “director’s cut” that contains scenes not in the original edition of the novel. I have not read the first version and do not know which scenes are new.
Minion tells the story of Damali, a young African-American woman, and her friends, who together make up a rap band and, secretly, a vampire-hunting team.
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thanks for the review-- liked your distinction between how younger and older readers might respond, what they might react differently…
I hope you get this email is [email protected] you get this
you are doing well. keep in up.
All you need to know about bird flu is that there is no human to human transmission case and never…
No problem Sandy. I will confess to feeling a tad flattered to be taken for Marion! Glad you enjoyed the…