Brandon Sanderson’s new young adult science fiction novel, Skyward (2018), replaces his intricately detailed fantasy magical systems with equally detailed dogfights between one-person starship fighters of the humans living on the planet Detritus (it’s as bleak as it sounds) and the starships of the alien Krell. The Krell chased a fleet of human spaceships to Detritus decades ago and have pinned them down on the planet since, frequently bombarding the humans with attacks that threaten to wipe out the colony,
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I *do* have pear trees... hmmm.
There were at least 2 pear soup recipes that caught my eye!
[…] γράφει ο Sandy Ferber για το Fantasy Literature | μετάφραση: εκδόσεις Πηγή […]
Oh thank you for the recipes! Such a variety - this is going to be fun.