Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

Author: Justin Blazier


Favorite alternate histories

With all this talk about the effects that SOPA/PIPA would have on the internet, it got me thinking. Throughout history there are key moments that, had they happened differently, would have changed the future. As a history buff, I find alternate history fiction to be appealing. I’ve read a few of them and The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick is probably my favorite.

In Dick’s novel, the Allies lost World War II and Japan and Germany occupy the United States. The story focuses on a few characters who struggle to live in an oppressive society.

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Zoo City: Lovable heroine, unique setting

Zoo City by Lauren Beukes

The main character of Lauren Beukes’s Zoo City is a former freelance journalist named Zinzi December. Zinzi is cool, intelligent and carries some big mental baggage. Despite her flaws, you will love her almost immediately. Zinzi lives in Zoo City, which is essentially a slum in Johannesburg for people who have been burdened with animals. In the world of Zoo City, people are magically attached to animals after they’ve done something particularly awful. People with animals are the outcasts of society,

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WWW: January 11, 2012

In the coming weeks, if you find something interesting you think everyone should read, drop me a line via the contact form and let me know, or just post it below. Let’s get started:

1) The Disney John Carters That Never Were: A surprisingly detailed article about the John Cart journey into film.

2) The dark elf of Leominster: A nice article on R.A. Salvatore. Though I think it’s safe to say if you haven’t heard of Salvatore, then you don’t read Fantasy.

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Thoughtful Thursday: Diamonds in the Rough

As a reviewer I get a chance to read books I wouldn’t normally read — it’s part of the job. However I have also been known to purposely read something that looks quite terrible on the off-chance that I discover a real “diamond in the rough.” These “diamonds” not only have terrible covers, but have cheesy back cover descriptions and blurbs from authors you’ve never heard of.

“Jack John Johnson’s latest book was great.” — Patrick Warbermanjensen Author of Night Fillies

I admit that I have not been very successful at finding diamonds.

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WWW: January 4, 2012

Welcome to 2012. Lots of interesting bits to share with you today. In the coming weeks, if you find something interesting you think everyone should read, drop me a line via the contact form and let me know, or just post it below. Let’s get started:

1) ‪The Dragonborn Comes: I’ve played this game way more than I should have. This is a beautiful rendition of the main song.

2) Orbit Books E-book Deals: A few choice e-Book deals from our friends over at Orbit.

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WWW: December 28, 2011

Kind of a slow news week due to the approaching new year. I managed to produce a healthy selection anyway, with the help of some submissions. In the coming weeks, if you find something interesting you think everyone should read, drop me a line via the contact form and let me know, or just post it below. Let’s get started:

1) Carved Book Landscapes: I was not expecting to see what I saw when I clicked that link. These are mind blowing.

2) How Firefly fans saved free speech: An interesting video featuring our beloved Neil Gaiman.

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Thoughtful Thursday: Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Now that it’s the end of the year, which books have you missed in 2011 that you really wish you had gotten to or that you hope Santa will leave under the tree?

I wish I had found the time to read Mark Chadbourn’s The Scar-Crow Men and Jesse Bullington’s The Enterprise of Death.

As usual, we’ll pick one commenter to choose a Christmas gift from our stacks.

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.

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WWW: December 21, 2011

In the coming weeks, if you find something interesting you think everyone should read, drop me a line via the contact form and let me know, or just post it below. Let’s get started:

1) First Official Trailer for The Hobbit: There are no words to describe my level of excitement.

2) LOTR Google Easter Egg: Confused? I was too, at first. Follow the link and it will all make sense… sort of.

3) Steampunk Disney Villains: A collection of Disney villains re-imagined in Steampunk.

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Thoughtful Thursday: Fantasy Clichés

I’m taking a writing course next semester and was thumbing through the textbook when I saw the chapter on clichés. The clichés mentioned were not particularly Fantasy-related but it did get me thinking about all the typical clichés we see in Fantasy. Genre fiction seems to be particular prone to this writing faux pas, and I’m not exactly sure why.

Maybe writers of Fantasy get so wrapped up in building a fantastical world that they forget that a farm boy can only become king so many times. It could be that authors have spent so much time developing complex lineages that they fail to realize that there have been more than a few princesses who have learned the error of their ways.

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WWW: December 14, 2011

In the coming weeks, if you find something interesting you think everyone should read, drop me a line via the contact form and let me know, or just post it below. Let’s get started:

1) Darrell Sweet Dead at 77: Another icon of Fantasy has left us. Darrell Sweet may not be a name you recognize, but I guarantee you will recognize his work. Mr. Sweet created more than 3000 illustrations during his lifetime. He’s best known for his WHEEL OF TIME, SAGA OF RECLUCE,

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Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

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