Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

Author: Amanda Rutter (guest)


Why You Should Read… Joe R. Lansdale

This week we turn to science fiction debut author with Gollancz Gavin Smith, who released his novel Veteran earlier this year in the UK. He has decided to bring us all the reasons we should be reading Joe R. Lansdale.

Somewhere in East Texas, not far from Nagadoches, is a crossroads like the kind that Robert Johnson went down to. There you’ll find the God of the Razor sitting down and having a beer with Johnah Hex at his best. There’ll be others there as well,

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Why You Should Read… Rich Burlew

I am really pleased to welcome to FanLit today Black Library author extraordinaire Graham McNeill. I love his books — seriously! Hmm, maybe he should be my own subject for this here Why You Should Read… He brings us an interesting take on the Why You Should Read, dealing as it does with Rich Burlew, writer of the online webcomic The Order of the Stick.

You should be reading Rich Burlew for the same reason you need to watch Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire.

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Cursed: Ultra-realistic werewolves

Cursed (UK) or Frostbite (US) by David Wellington

Cursed (Frostbite in the US) is the tale of Cheyenne Clark, a twenty-something we meet while she is struggling through the Northwest Territories of the Canadian Arctic. “Most people’s lives change very slowly, more slowly than the seasons. Some people are born into the life they’re going to lead and nothing much ever comes along to force them to change. For Cheyenne Clark, change came about in the space of thirty very bad seconds.

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World Wide Wednesday: Buy a Book and Genre Diversity

Here we are once again in the middle of the week — I do love Wednesdays! And this Wednesday for me signifies just a couple more days in work before a well-earned vacation. Don’t worry, I have something slightly different planned for the WWW post during my absence which will be scheduled to go up regular as clockwork *grin*

1) 200 SFX Features

Over here in the UK we have a magazine called SFX (I’m pretty sure it is delivered to foreign climes as well!) and it covers all manner of genre topics. They are celebrating the 200th issue with a nice little feature on their website: showcasing a number of their articles,

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Reading… David Eddings

In 1969, David Eddings, who is the subject of this column, was convicted of child abuse and served a year in jail. At the time this column was posted in 2010, we and John Ottinger, our guest columnist, like many others, were unaware of this. The essay addresses the elements that John enjoyed in Eddings’s work. We cannot ignore what Eddings did or the pain he caused. A statement from Eddings’ son is included in the comment section. (This disclaimer was added on April 5, 2021. The remainder of the column appears exactly as it did when first posted in August 2010.)

Our guest this week for Why You Should Read…

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World Wide Wednesday: Doorstops and Cliches

Welcome to Wednesday! I’ve got a lovely lot of links to share with you this week, so let’s get right on down to it! No dilly-dallying today!

1) Cover Art Cliches for 2009

Orbit have done a survey of the cover art on display during 2009, and A Dribble of Ink brings us the results with some added commentary — personally, I can see the 2010 version being dominated by hooded men!

2) Trailing the Book Trailer

We have a lovely new blog on the blogosphere — 

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Why You Should Read… John Marco

We move back to the fantasy genre for this week’s edition of Why You Should Read… Bryce Lee, from Only the Best Sci Fi/Fantasy and his personal blog Seak’s Stamp of Approval, brings us compelling reasons as to why you should pick up your first book by John Marco.

I was first introduced to John Marco a number of years ago by a good friend of mine through the first book in his Tyrants and Kings Trilogy, The Jackal of Nar.

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World Wide Wednesday: Sacred Cows and Themed Reading

After a brief hiatus, here I am back again with a look at what has been steaming up the Internet over the last couple of weeks. Just a quick heads up: I am an accountant and have a horrible month end process, so, for the foreseeable future, the first week of the month will be missing WWW (thank you Kat, my benevolent Overlady!) in order that I can concentrate on the day job.

1) Malazan Book of the Fallen is complete

Steven Erikson revealed this via Facebook, and Wertzone brought the news to the rest of us: Erikson has completed the Malazan Book of the Fallen!

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Johannes Cabal the Detective: Still darkly funny, original and snarky

Johannes Cabal the Detective by Jonathan L. Howard

Johannes Cabal the Detective is the second book about the eponymous necromancer. I read the first book, Johannes Cabal the Necromancer, at the beginning of this year, and was enormously enamoured with the bitingly sarcastic gentleman in question. In fact, it has remained my number one read of 2010 despite fierce competition from other titles, and so I was almost nervous about picking up this second novel about Johannes Cabal in case it did not live up to the first.

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Why You Should Read… Clive Barker

So we come to our fourth week of extolling the virtues about some of our favourite authors. Today we welcome Sharon Ring, from Dark Fiction Review. Sharon is on Twitter as @DFReview and can also be found on Facebook. She would like to talk to you about Clive Barker.

Will this be five hundred words of preaching to the converted? Surely everyone who reads genre fiction has read at least one Clive Barker book? I think, for anyone new to genre fiction, a stroll through some of Barker’s work should be more or less compulsory.

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Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

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