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SFF Author: Mindy Klasky

MindyKlaskyMindy Klasky learned to read when her parents shoved a book in her hands and told her that she could travel anywhere in the world through stories. She never forgot that advice. When Mindy isn’t “traveling” through writing books, she quilts, cooks and tries to tame the endless to-be-read shelf in her home library. You can read excerpts of Mindy Klasky’s books at her website.


Girl’s Guide to Witchcraft: Give me more!

Girl’s Guide to Witchcraft by Mindy Klasky

Jane Madison has always thought of herself as “plain Jane” and — let’s face it — her life does leave something to be desired. A low-paid, overworked librarian of an obscure resource library in Washington DC, Jane fills her days mooning after her “imaginary boyfriend” Jason Templeton, a professor at one of the local universities who does his independent research in her section of the library every week.

One day however, her boss calls her into her office to give her some bad news: the library’s funding is so bad that she is going to have to cut Jane’s pay…by 25%.

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Sorcery and the Single Girl: Great chicklit!

Sorcery and the Single Girl by Mindy Klasky

It’s been almost a year, but Jane Madison still hasn’t mastered this whole “witchcraft” thing. True, she managed to turn the Potomac River into ice, and can make small whirlpools in the sink…but those things aren’t really helpful in real life…right?

Things are looking up for Jane’s love life, however, after a handsome Brit randomly walks into Melissa’s bakery asking for a plateful of Lust. Floating on her prospects of a new beau, Jane’s euphoria is short lived when David, her warder,

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How Not to Make a Wish: Good, but not as good as Jane Madison

How Not to Make a Wish by Mindy Klasky

A year after the fact, Kira Franklin is still recovering from a breakup. Thirty pounds heavier, practically jobless and in need of a miracle, she unexpectedly gets one in the shape of a genie. That’s right, a real rub-the-lamp genie named Teel. Kira’s troubles are over!

Or so she thinks. As it turns out, her wishes make her life anything but easier. She wishes for a new job that turns out to be a huge fiasco, and after she wishes away her extra thirty pounds,

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Next SFF Author: Annette Curtis Klause
Previous SFF Author: Ellen Klages

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  1. Marion Deeds
  2. So happy to hear that you enjoyed this article, Spacewaves! It was something of a labor of love for me,…

March 2025