fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviewsbook review Mindy Klasky Red Dress Ink Jane Madison Girl's Guide to Witchcraft, Sorcery and the Single GirlSorcery and the Single Girl by Mindy Klasky

It’s been almost a year, but Jane Madison still hasn’t mastered this whole “witchcraft” thing. True, she managed to turn the Potomac River into ice, and can make small whirlpools in the sink…but those things aren’t really helpful in real life…right?

Things are looking up for Jane’s love life, however, after a handsome Brit randomly walks into Melissa’s bakery asking for a plateful of Lust. Floating on her prospects of a new beau, Jane’s euphoria is short lived when David, her warder, tells her that the Coven wants to meet her.

The Washington Coven — the sisterhood of witches in the local area — is run by the formidable Teresa Alison Sydney, a powerful witch who grants access to the Coven only to those who the sisterhood deems worthy. On her first meeting, Jane is set a task to be completed by Halloween night. If she fails, everything she has in her possession — her spell books, crystals, runes, even her now good friend Neko — will belong to the Coven.

So, on top of an increasingly busy job, a new boyfriend, and fight with her best friend, Jane must find time to study for her upcoming test to join the Coven. But right in the middle of all this activity, Jane starts receiving threats — magic-associated threats that are warning her away from the Coven. What’s a girl to do?

I usually bash sequels. They’re never as good as the original… Did I say that?… But Sorcery and the Single Girl is the total exception to that rule! If anything, Sorcery and the Single Girl is even better than its predecessor: Girl’s Guide to Witchcraft. Jane Madison is like an old friend to me now, and I cannot wait for the next installment of her stories and adventures to hit the shelves this October!

Mindy Klasky has an innate sense of capturing Jane’s feelings and emotions and transmitting them to her readers. I found myself through the entire book thinking: “yeah, I’ve felt that way.” “Tell me about it!” and spontaneous outbursts of “you go, girl!” were not uncommon either.

Full of romance, excitement, and a lot of humor, Sorcery and the Single Girl is just as appetizing as the original Girl’s Guide to Witchcraft, if not more so!

fantasy and science fiction book reviewsJulie Waineo, one of our earliest guest reviewers, earned an MBA at Bowling Green State University. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies with a minor in French. Now living in Virginia with her husband and dog, Julie is an avid reader of not only fantasy, but historical fiction, the occasional “chick lit,” and children’s literature.

Jane Madison — (2006-2016) Publisher: Which is more unlikely? Meeting a single, straight, reasonably attractive, willing-to-commit man? Or discovering a secret cache of magic books? For good girl Jane Madison, neither has a shot in hell of coming true — until the day she finds a hidden room…. Now she’s done a bit of experimenting and found a spell that makes her irresistible to men — even those who have previously ignored her. And another that turns a cat into her witch’s familiar (a snarky, critical, self-absorbed man — pretty much a typical male). Though her impulsive acts of magic have brought a warder (sexy, grouchy, elusive and determined to stop her from using magic) down on her, Jane’s not willing to let go of this fantastic new life. Though she wonders about having things that aren’t “real,” she’s having too much fun to stop. After all, no one ever said being a witch was easy…

Mindy Klasky Red Dress Ink (Jane Madison): 1. Girl's Guide to Witchcraft 2. Sorcery and the Single Girl 3. Magic and the Modern Girl Mindy Klasky Red Dress Ink (Jane Madison): 1. Girl's Guide to Witchcraft 2. Sorcery and the Single Girl 3. Magic and the Modern Girl Mindy Klasky Red Dress Ink (Jane Madison): 1. Girl's Guide to Witchcraft 2. Sorcery and the Single Girl 3. Magic and the Modern Girl fantasy and science fiction book reviews science fiction, fantasy, horror, and comic book and audiobook reviewsscience fiction, fantasy, horror, and comic book and audiobook reviews


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