File 770 shares the latest AI kerfuffle, as NaNoWriMo’s steering organization made an unpopular statement about use of AI in its Annual November write-a-thon. Their awkwardly worded statement implies seems to imply that disabled people couldn’t complete a book without AI help. You can imagine how well this went over. It’s Item 1.
SFWA had a series of resignations and vacancies that came to a head last month. Jason Sanford covered it here on his Patreon. File 770 provides some updates. It looks like the organization is fundamentally sound and taking the right steps to correct the problems.
I haven’t yet read anything by Adrian Tchaikovsky, and, frankly, this title wouldn’t be the one to draw me in, but here’s a review from Nerds of a Feather. (I know the writer’s good—it’s just this title.)
When will people learn not to play cards with demons? Reactor shares an excerpt from Ace Up Her Sleeve by Genoviva Dimova.
Publishers Weekly is following a wrongful discharge case in Texas, where a librarian is suing after she was fired, after she returned some LGTBQ themed books to the public library’s shelves.
Two stories from Atlas Obscura. The first is about a library where colonies of bats protect ancient books from marauding insects.
This one is a fascinating and disturbing look at actual trial by combat, where women who were victims of an unwitnessed sexual assault could be required to fight duel to the death with their alleged attacker.
It isn’t fall yet, but we’re heading there. Here is a quick-and-easy cider cocktail recipe to put you in an autumn mood.
I have been bombarded by ads for this lately, just in the last week. Now I feel like I've seen…
Hi Grace, I'm the director of the behavioral neuroscience program at the University of North Florida, so I teach and…
thanks for the review-- liked your distinction between how younger and older readers might respond, what they might react differently…
I hope you get this email is [email protected] you get this
you are doing well. keep in up.