Black Kitten. Image courtesy of

Image courtesy of


File 770 shares the British Fantasy Award winners; Jen Williams took the award for Best Fantasy for The Bitter Twins; Little Eve won Catriona Ward the Best Horror Novel awards, and Aliette de Bodard took Best Novella for The Tea Master and The Detective.

Books and Writing:

For anyone who has a bucket list, here’s something to add: Stephen and Tabitha King’s house will become a museum, archive and writers retreat.

John Connelly who writes supernatural detective thrillers, writes about the supernatural’s place in detective fiction for Crimereads. It’s a great essay and that photo is an added treat.

This is from a year ago; a 1300-year-old book was found in the tomb of St Cuthbert. It is the oldest English codex found so far.

Here is some information on Oddysey’s winter online classes.

Judges of the Booker Prize flouted the rules and awarded it to both Margaret Atwood and Bernardine Evaristo; for The Testaments and Girl, Woman, Other respectively.

Movies and TV:

This Christmas, the ninth film in the original Star Wars trilogy comes out, leaving us all plenty to anticipate/be indignant about, depending on our camp. At, Daisy Ridley talks briefly about “toxic relationships” and the pairing of “Reylo.” Then there’s a trailer.

HBO provides a landing site for the curious about its upcoming adaptation of Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials.

Work goes forward on BBC’s adaptation of one set of Discworld stories: The Night Watch. This article talks about general casting. I am disappointed in the interpretation of Lady Sybil.

Continuing with the “watch” theme, the Mary Sue shares some critics’ comments about HBOs other big adaptation, Watchmen.

Black Girl Nerds reports that after John Cho suffered a knee injury on set, Netflix has suspended its production of the Cowboy Bebop remake pending Cho’s recovery.

Black cat in witch's hat on pillow. Courtesy of Amazon

I’m not advertising this pillow, I just liked it. Image from

A Kerfuffle:

You probably all know that Martin Scorsese said in an interview that he doesn’t like the Marvel superhero movies. Later, he apparently amplified those remarks and explained what he doesn’t like about them. Not to be left out, wine purveyor* and Godfather-director Francis Ford Coppola weighed in recently, supporting Scorsese (who really doesn’t need supporting; he’s entitled to his opinion,) and being even meaner to those billion-dollar-grossing atrocities that should not be allowed to claim the category of “movies.” John Scalzi, who is a former film reviewer, stepped into the fray to defend the movies (which don’t really need defending; they made billions). I missed all of this while it was happening because I was reading Sandy Ferber’s Shocktober movie reviews.

Our Lives Now:

When I was younger, of all the etiquette needs I thought the future might bring, here’s one I never imagined: The “You Got a Shocking DNA Result” response. For that friend who suddenly discovers that their family isn’t what they imagined, here are ten things not to say.


Please enjoy this 2.18 minute time-lapse video of pumpkin carving, courtesy of Jon Neill.

Disney theme parks will now offer Rise of the Resistance, a Star Wars mega-ride comprising four different modes of ride, starting in December.


*I am not being sarcastic when I say Francis Ford Coppola is a purveyor of fine wines. He has a lovely, theme-park-like winery near where I live.



  • Marion Deeds

    Marion Deeds, with us since March, 2011, is the author of the fantasy novella ALUMINUM LEAVES. Her short fiction has appeared in the anthologies BEYOND THE STARS, THE WAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE, STRANGE CALIFORNIA, and in Podcastle, The Noyo River Review, Daily Science Fiction and Flash Fiction Online. She’s retired from 35 years in county government, and spends some of her free time volunteering at a second-hand bookstore in her home town.

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