Moon Catcher by Victo Ngai
Writing, Editing, and Publishing:

Meeting of the Minds, by Victo Ngai
Barnes and Noble posted a short history of SF pen names, including some pretty weird ones like Eando Binder.
Film and Television:
You guys know how much I love Jurassic Park. I am very excited about Steven Spielberg’s new project with Colin Trevorrow, the director of Jurassic World. They are working on a new SF film called Intelligent Life about first contact between humanity and alien intelligence.
Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk have teamed back up for a show called Con Man, about a struggling actor who lives in a SF convention world. Check out this hilarious interview with the two actors.

A Cup of Salted Tears, by Victo Ngai
Internet Stuff:
A new, large and fast-growing black hole has been discovered. Read about your newest nightmare here!
io9 features some beautiful futuristic churches by various architects and designers.
Featured Artist:
I discovered Victo Ngai’s work through last week’s link to the Spectrum nominees. She is an illustrator from Hong Kong, now based in New York. She graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design, and in 2014 was named one of Forbes’s 30 Under 30 in the field of art and style. Victo’s accolades includes 6 Gold medals and 5 Silver Medals from organizations such as Society of Illustrators NY, Greater China Illustration Award, The Society for News Design, Spectrum.etc. Her client list includes The New Yorker, The New York Times, WSJ, The Washington Post, Boston Globe, IMAX, General Electric, Lufthansa Airline.etc. Check out her tumblr here, or her website and portfolio here. Thanks, Victo, for letting us feature your work!
Beautiful artwork.
Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion together again? I can’t miss that.
The essay about re-imagining justice is interesting, and the anthology has some amazing cover art.
A Cup of Salt Tears (by Isabel Yap) is a wonderful story, by the way, especially for anyone who’s interested in Japanese mythology. Tor.com has is available here: http://www.tor.com/stories/2014/08/a-cup-of-salt-tears-isabel-yap