fantasy and science fiction book reviewsThe Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association has named its 2013 Aurora Award winners. Top honors for best novel go to Tanya Huff for The Silvered.

Neil Gaiman’s novel Neverwhere has been banned by a New Mexico school after a single complaint about its alleged “sexual innuendos and harsh language.” I’ve read the novel, and had no such reaction to it at all. In fact, I’d think that Coraline would be a far more disturbing novel for teens to read. What are your thoughts?fantasy and science fiction book reviews

The BBC suggests the science fiction never gets the science right, relying on the new film “Gravity” to make its point. Me, I’m planning to see “Gravity” in IMAX 3D this coming weekend. I love Neil deGrasse Tyson (and understand his complaints), but sometimes a movie is just a movie. Heck, even he says that his criticisms are a tribute to the high quality of the movie.

io9 lists the 11 most prolific science fiction and fantasy writers. I was surprised that Isaac Asimov wasn’t the first on the list!

With new subgenres popping up in fantasy, science fiction and horror almost every day, it’s hard to tell one from another. If you’re looking for a new book to read, how do you tell paranormal romance from urban fantasy? You might be disappointed in your purchase if you want one and wind up with the other. Here’s how to distinguish the two.

Poe-FlatsI was just at the library today, and I got some pretty strange looks from other patrons as I perused the Young Adult shelves. But there is some mighty fine writing being done in YA these days, and I’m not going to pass it by just because it has a teenage protagonist, which seems about the only real identifier of the genre. How old do you have to be before you’re denied YA altogether? It better not be younger than 50-something, or I’m in big trouble.

And just for fun, the grand finale of this column: cute book-related items. I want those shoes, myself — and pretty badly! What’s your favorite?


  • Terry Weyna

    TERRY WEYNA, on our staff since December 2010, would rather be reading than doing almost anything else. She reads all day long as an insurance coverage attorney, and in all her spare time as a reviewer, critic and writer. Terry lives in Northern California with her husband, professor emeritus and writer Fred White, two rambunctious cats, and an enormous library.

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