In the coming weeks, if you find something interesting you think everyone should read, drop me a line via the contact form and let me know, or just post it below. Let’s get started:

1) Science fiction writers irked with, redirect links to other booksellers: Amazon vs. Publishers. Authors are caught in the crossfire. I was under the impression the SFWA represents authors not publishing companies. I need to read some more on this, I was not expecting SFWA to choose a side in this manner.

Eleven Million Mile High Dancer2) Suvudu Cage Match 2012: It’s time for another Suvudu cage match. Harry Potter vs. Tyrion Lanister for the finals, anyone?

3) John Ottinger interviews Aliette de Bodard at SFWA: Nice interview with the Nebula Award nominee.

4) Can you trademark a character from a public domain story?: A little legal controversy over the usage of Edgar Rice Burroughs‘ characters.

5) Rejected Star Wars Toys: I seriously want Bantha Slippers.

6) 10 Weirdest Science Fiction Novels That You’ve Never Read: There is probably a really good reason why you haven’t read these… Or have you?


  • Justin Blazier

    JUSTIN BLAZIER (on FanLit's staff since September 2009) is a Cyber-Security Analyst/Network Engineer located in Northern Kentucky. Like many fantasy enthusiasts, Justin cut his teeth on authors like Tolkien, Anthony, and Lewis. Due to lack of space, his small public library would often give him their donated SFF books. When he is not reading books he is likely playing board games or Tabletop RPGs. Justin lives in a quiet neighborhood with his wife, their daughter, and Norman the dog.

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