World Wide Wednesday has returned. Sorry for the hiatus, being a secret agent makes my schedule a little hectic. There is only so many exploding shoes and smoking hot lady ninjas a guy can fit in a day. It’s been a busy news week so I won’t keep you any longer. In the coming weeks, if you find something interesting you think everyone should read, drop me a line via the contact form and let me know, or just post it below. Let’s get started:

fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviews1) American Gods series in the works?: I know many will wish my face to melt when I say this, but American Gods is way over rated. I liked it, don’t get me wrong. The level of adoration this book has doesn’t seem justified. Gaiman has much better stuff than this.I do admit it will make a great TV show or movie.

1) A horrible NewYorker article about George R.R. Martin and his horrible impatient scumbag fans: Legions of impatient Martin fans find happiness in ruining their favorite author’s day/life.fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviews

2) An articulate well reasoned response to the above article, written by a impatient scumbag fan: Well, the nerve of this fan. He’s a fan and he sounds so reasonable and…. and… nice? But what about the New Yorker article? I’m so confused.

3) Pern goes to Hollywood: This will be terrible.

fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviews4) Win a Steam-punk Kindle from Angry Robot: OK they got me… this is pretty nifty.I’m looking forward to seeing the entries.

5) Here there be dragons: Oh boy…

6) Jeff VanderMeer compiles a list of quality international Fantasy and Science Fiction: Jeff has compiled a nice list of his favorite international speculative fiction.


  • Justin Blazier

    JUSTIN BLAZIER (on FanLit's staff since September 2009) is a Cyber-Security Analyst/Network Engineer located in Northern Kentucky. Like many fantasy enthusiasts, Justin cut his teeth on authors like Tolkien, Anthony, and Lewis. Due to lack of space, his small public library would often give him their donated SFF books. When he is not reading books he is likely playing board games or Tabletop RPGs. Justin lives in a quiet neighborhood with his wife, their daughter, and Norman the dog.

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