Now, you know we love Jack Vance — he’s one of our favorite speculative fiction authors — but some of the covers on his books are truly atrocious.
This one here, in fact…
We think the title Space Opera is just too generic for this striking cover. Can you help us rename it?
Here’s the description, if it helps:
Space Opera — (1965) A society matron underwrites the interstellar tour of an Earth opera company, performing Beethoven, Mozart and Rossini for bewildered human and alien audiences on a kaleidoscopic range of planets. But intrigue and secret agendas complicate what was already a doubtful enterprise, and the matron’s feckless nephew finds that the simple country girl he plans to marry is far more mysterious than she seems. This is Jack Vance at his funniest, rolling out a rollicking picaresque tale where the belly laughs play a perfect duet with the grandmaster’s sly observations on the absurdities of life, love and librettos.
Baboonian Rhapsody
When I see this cover I immediately think of the monkeys in front of typewriters analogy…
If 1000 monkeys played 1000 pianos for long enough they’d recreate the works of Beethoven…or something like that.
“Jack Vance Presents: Michael Crichton’s Congo: Chopin Dubstep Remix Edition”
Barnacles and Swiss Cheese
(I heard this phrase on author Anna Elliot’s blog. Her son used it as a curse word because he isn’t allowed to curse.)
It seems appropriate for this book.
Musical Mayhem, Odd Music, Piano Gurus
Three Composers, Two Monkeys, One Grand Piano.
Koko and Bobo on Sinatra: The Comeback Tour
Please Don’t Eat the Sheet Music
I don’t know if this is a good title, but it’s hilarious!
Arrangement 5 for Nose Whistle and Piano
Sonata for Fecal Propellation in B-flat major.
Huge fan of Jack Vance btw.
Michelle,if you live in the USA, you have won a book from ourstacks
Please contact me (Marion) with your choice and a US address. Happy reading! (I’m still learning so we’ll hope I did this right.)
Well, one of the links didn’t work, but Michelle, the link to our stacks is in the post and it does work.
Thanks, Marion. Sorry if I submitted the message twice on the contact form. It gave me an error the first time.