fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviewsWeb of Lies by Jennifer Estep paranormal romance book reviewsWeb of Lies by Jennifer Estep

Web of Lies is the second book in Jennifer Estep’s ELEMENTAL ASSASSIN series about Gin Blanco, a young woman with elemental powers who was orphaned when she was a girl and was found and raised by an assassin who taught her the tricks of the trade. She’s known as The Spider — the best assassin in the city — and is now wealthy enough to retire, which she is trying to do. She spends her days running a barbeque restaurant, but trouble keeps finding her and she can’t turn her back on people who need her help… or people who need to be killed.

This time trouble is in the form of a college girl named Violet Fox whose family owns some property coveted by a man who’s trying to coerce them into selling it to him. He owns coalmines and wants to add their land to his domain. Now he’s getting ruthless and he will use any amount of force needed to get that land. It’s up to Gin to stop him but her methods are not always ethical, much to the chagrin of police detective Donovan Caine, who has the hots for her. And vice versa.

Readers who enjoyed the first ELEMENTAL ASSASSIN book, Spider’s Bite, will probably be pleased with Web of Lies, too. It’s got plenty of action, some appealing characters (especially Donovan Caine), and lots of romantic tension. A new intriguing romance and perhaps a love triangle is on the horizon, too.

The plot of Web of Lies is kind of clichéd — a greedy evil capitalist becomes murderous — and it proceeds in rather obvious ways with several scenes that are too similar to scenes in the previous novel, making me wonder if Estep is already running out of creative ideas for this series. A similar issue is the repetitive prose — certain information and even actual phrases are repeated many times throughout the novel. If you’re a reader who gets annoyed by this, you’re certain to be pulling out your hair by the end of Web of Lies.

Despite my complaints, which should be enough to make me drop this series, I’m still interested in Gin’s personal life. I’m not sure why, but I want to see what happens between her and Donovan Caine and her new love interest. I also want to know what happened to her family. It helps that I’m enjoying the audio versions of these books, which were narrated by the wonderful Lauren Fortgang. I’m not going to rush out to buy the third audiobook, Venom, but I’ll give it a try if it happens to come my way.

Elemental Assassin — (2010- ) Publisher: “My name is Gin, and I kill people.” My name is Gin Blanco. They call me the Spider — the most feared assassin in the South (and a part-time cook at the Pork Pit BBQ joint.) As a Stone elemental, I can hear the whispers of the gravel beneath my feet and feel the vibrations of the soaring mountains above me, though I don’t use my powers on the job unless I absolutely have to. Call it professional pride. After a ruthless Air elemental double-crossed me and killed my handler, I’m out for revenge. And I’ll exterminate anyone who gets in my way. I may look hot in a miniskirt, but I’m still one of the bad guys. Which is why I’m in trouble when irresistibly rugged Detective Donovan Caine agrees to help. The last thing a coldhearted killer needs when she’s battling a magic more powerful than her own is a sexy distraction… especially when he wants her dead just as much as the enemy.

Jennifer Estep Elemental Assassin 1. Spider's Bite 2. Web of Lies 3. Venom Jennifer Estep Elemental Assassin 1. Spider's Bite 2. Web of Lies 3. Venom Jennifer Estep Elemental Assassin 1. Spider's Bite 2. Web of Lies 3. Venom Jennifer Estep Elemental Assassin 1. Spider's Bite 2. Web of Lies 3. Venom 4. Tangled Threads Jennifer Estep Elemental Assassin 1. Spider's Bite 2. Web of Lies 3. Venom 4. Tangled Threads 5. Spider's Revenge Jennifer Estep Elemental Assassin 1. Spider's Bite 2. Web of Lies 3. Venom 4. Tangled Threads 5. Spider's Revenge 6. Thread of Death (novella) 7. By a Thread Jennifer Estep Elemental Assassin 1. Spider's Bite 2. Web of Lies 3. Venom 4. Tangled Threads 5. Spider's Revenge, Thread of Death (novella) 6. By a Thread 8. Widow's Web fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviews fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviews fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviews fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviews fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviews fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviews SFF, fantasy literature, science fiction, horror, YA, and comic book and audiobook reviews SFF, fantasy literature, science fiction, horror, YA, and comic book and audiobook reviews science fiction, fantasy, horror, and comic book reviews Venom in the Veins: An Elemental Assassin Book Kindle Edition by Jennifer Estep (Author)


Jennifer Estep Elemental Assassin 1. Spider's Bite 2. Web of Lies 3. Venom 4. Tangled Threads 5. Spider's Revenge 6. Thread of Death (novella) fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviews fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviews Nice Guys Bite (Elemental Assassin) Kindle Edition by Jennifer Estep (Author)



  • Kat Hooper

    KAT HOOPER, who started this site in June 2007, earned a Ph.D. in neuroscience and psychology at Indiana University (Bloomington) and now teaches and conducts brain research at the University of North Florida. When she reads fiction, she wants to encounter new ideas and lots of imagination. She wants to view the world in a different way. She wants to have her mind blown. She loves beautiful language and has no patience for dull prose, vapid romance, or cheesy dialogue. She prefers complex characterization, intriguing plots, and plenty of action. Favorite authors are Jack Vance, Robin Hobb, Kage Baker, William Gibson, Gene Wolfe, Richard Matheson, and C.S. Lewis.

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