fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviewsfantasy book reviews Juliet Dark The Fairwick Chronicles 1. The Demon LoverThe Demon Lover by Juliet Dark

Juliet Dark is a pseudonym for Carol Goodman, two of whose literary suspense novels I read years ago: The Lake of Dead Languages and The Drowning Tree. I enjoyed them, and what I remember most are the mythological themes, the academic settings, and the beauty of Goodman’s prose, especially when describing water, ice, and snow. Recently Goodman has entered the fantasy field, first with the BLACK SWAN RISING novels (written with her husband Lee Slonimsky under the pen name Lee Carroll), which I’ve been meaning to read, and now with The Demon Lover.

I’ve had underwhelming results in the past with suspense authors crossing over into fantasy, but Goodman is a different kind of suspense author. She puts so much mythology into her mainstream books, and has such a talent for making the real world seem like a fairyland, that I always half expected the paranormal to show up anyway. In The Demon Lover, the paranormal does show up, and the novel does not disappoint.

Cailleach “Callie” McFay has always wanted to teach at NYU, so she’s not quite sure why she’s interviewing for a position at Fairwick College, way out in the boonies. But she is drawn toward the school and toward a vacant Victorian house near the Fairwick campus. It doesn’t hurt that the house once belonged to Callie’s favorite guilty-pleasure author, Gothic novelist Dahlia LaMotte (whether the name is a reference to A.S. Byatt’s Christabel LaMotte, I’m not sure, but what a cool touch if it is!) and the property includes the original manuscripts of LaMotte’s novels.

Callie takes the position, buys the house, and begins to have disturbing but sensual dreams. Even more strangely, as she reads through the manuscripts, she learns that LaMotte experienced the same visitations while living in the house, writing them into her books in spicy scenes that were left out of the published versions. Callie is being haunted by an incubus. Dark weaves the myths of the incubus and the ganconer (“love-talker”) together with the story of Tam Lin, and the question for Callie is, what kind of tale is she in? Is this the kind of demon that must be banished or, like Tam Lin, can he be redeemed from his demonic existence by the love of a human?

The Demon Lover
has so much to sink one’s teeth into. Several types of supernatural beings. Academic politics. Witchcraft. A fairyland with hints of a rich, tragic history. Two troubled students, each with her own horrors to face. A scene-stealing, Jack-swilling memoirist. The cutest familiar imaginable. A type of demon that could only have been invented and named by a bibliophile. Lots of twists; the reader can predict some of them, but there are enough red herrings to keep you second-guessing yourself. The Demon Lover is the start of a trilogy, and I’m glad there are more books because I get the feeling there’s a story under every rock in Fairwick.

The prose is beautiful, especially when winter storms strike Fairwick (there’s that ice and snow again) and when Callie gets a glimpse inside the mysterious triptych in Briggs Hall.

There are a few minor issues one could nitpick about: a bit of too-expository dialogue near the beginning, a few ham-handedly symbolic character names, and a protagonist who sometimes seems older than her years (she’s part of that “self-esteem generation” she grumbles about, I think). It would seem petty to belabor them much, though, since the truth of the matter is that I read this book as though the pages were dusted with an addictive substance. The only issue that actually hampered my enjoyment was a decision Callie made at the very end. She asks a particular character for help with a situation. It’s clear to the reader that if that person can fix the situation, Callie is equally qualified to do so, perhaps with Elizabeth Book’s help with the technical aspects. But instead, Callie goes to this other character and strikes a deal. In return for information that seems intuitive anyway, Callie ends up owing a heavy favor. It does create a new conflict for book two, but it doesn’t quite seem to follow from what we’ve seen in book one.

In conclusion, though I didn’t quite understand one aspect of the ending, I loved The Demon Lover and am eagerly awaiting future FAIRWICK CHRONICLES novels. This is a spooky, sensual fantasy for literature geeks.

The Fairwick Chronicles — (2011-2013) Publisher: Since accepting a teaching position at remote Fairwick College in upstate New York, Callie McFay has experienced the same disturbingly erotic dream every night: A mist enters her bedroom, then takes the shape of a virile, seductive stranger who proceeds to ravish her in the most toe-curling, wholly satisfying ways possible. Perhaps these dreams are the result of her having written the bestselling book The Sex Lives of Demon Lovers. Callie’s lifelong passion is the intersection of lurid fairy tales and Gothic literature — which is why she’s found herself at Fairwick’s renowned folklore department, living in a once-stately Victorian house that, at first sight, seemed to call her name. But Callie soon realizes that her dreams are alarmingly real. She has a demon lover — an incubus — and he will seduce her, pleasure her, and eventually suck the very life from her. Then Callie makes another startling discovery: Her incubus is not the only mythical creature in Fairwick. As the tenured witches of the college and the resident fairies in the surrounding woods prepare to cast out the demon, Callie must accomplish something infinitely more difficult — banishing this supernatural lover from her heart.

fantasy book reviews Juliet Dark The Fairwick Chronicles 1. The Demon Lover fantasy and science fiction book reviewsfantasy and science fiction book reviews


  • Kelly Lasiter

    KELLY LASITER, with us since July 2008, is a mild-mannered academic administrative assistant by day, but at night she rules over a private empire of tottering bookshelves. Kelly is most fond of fantasy set in a historical setting (a la Jo Graham) or in a setting that echoes a real historical period (a la George RR Martin and Jacqueline Carey). She also enjoys urban fantasy and its close cousin, paranormal romance, though she believes these subgenres’ recent burst in popularity has resulted in an excess of dreck. She is a sucker for pretty prose (she majored in English, after all) and mythological themes.

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