fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviewsYA fantasy book reviews Janet Lee Carey Stealing DeathStealing Death by Janet Lee Carey

Stealing Death by Janet Lee Carey is a book I really wanted to like. It has an unusual YA setting — a desert land of red sandstone and small villages; a great premise — a young boy (Kipp) who steals the sack Death uses to collect souls so no more have to die; an exciting, emotional beginning with all but one of Kipp’s family killed in a fire; and a pattern of inserting small folktales into the larger narrative.

But for all that I wanted to love this book, and for all its emotional weight of theme and character — death, guilt, love, family responsibility, aging — it had a curiously removed feel to it. Part of it was that once we had followed Kipp from the fire that left him with only his little sister to the new fields he was forced to work to when he steals the sack of the Gwali (death-catcher), the book becomes very episodic as Kipp is chased by the Gwali from spot to spot. The world of the book rushes by relatively quickly, with little solid place sense. It’s an original setting, as mentioned, but the land isn’t fully mined for its potential. It feels a bit sketchy. The same is partially true of Kipp’s movements, some of which didn’t seem to really advance story or character all that much. His love interest, the daughter of a rich landowner and thus out of Kipp’s reach, I felt was more a hindrance to the story than a help. Without her we could have focused much more on Kipp’s desperation over the death of his family and responsibility to his sister, a unique and powerful narrative. Instead, we end up with a relatively common story: the lower-class boy and the upper-class girl forbidden to love and you can fill in the rest. (Well, most of it. Carey does throw the relationship for a major twist early on, but it mostly repeats earlier themes and motivations rather than adds to them.)

Kipp is a three-dimensional character, mostly well drawn, but the supporting characters are less so. His sister, his love interest, the landowner — none of them truly come alive in rich, individual fashion. They aren’t stock or caricature, but they just don’t have the spark of life to them. It’s somewhat telling that Soar Joy, an old man who was once Kipp’s mentor, comes alive more in Kipp’s memories than most of the characters Kipp meets in the flesh.

Part of the reason for that is Joy is associated with the tales of the Escuayans. These old folktales, such as the story of Gwali and his soul sack, are where Carey really shines — they feel like truly ancient tales and whenever we dip into them, no matter how briefly, the book feels like it jumps up in richness of style and tone and atmosphere, as if the writer is most fully engaged in those moments. I would have happily spent more time immersed in those tales.

Stealing Death’s close has some moving moments, and the themes of life and death are brought forward in strong fashion. While the story is fully resolved by the end, it also seems clear Carey isn’t finished with these characters yet (or at least, doesn’t have to be). While Stealing Death is mostly just solid, I’d be interested to see another book by this author set in this world, one that spends a bit more time on the world and its characters. The potential is there, even if it’s not fully met in Stealing Death.

Stealing Death — (2009) Young adult. Publisher: When fire steals his family from him, Kipp is left with only his little sister to protect as best he can, and he’s determined that death will not come to her-or to the girl he loves but can never approach. But who would dare to master death? As Kipp finds out, it’s complicated, and possession of the soul sack is no guarantee of success. Dragon’s Keep author Janet Lee Carey has crafted a stirring and original fantasy set in a harsh and beautiful desert landscape, in which a young man who has lost everything finds the strength within himself to care for those he loves — and to allow those he cannot keep close to him to take a path he cannot follow.


  • Bill Capossere

    BILL CAPOSSERE, who's been with us since June 2007, lives in Rochester NY, where he is an English adjunct by day and a writer by night. His essays and stories have appeared in Colorado Review, Rosebud, Alaska Quarterly, and other literary journals, along with a few anthologies, and been recognized in the "Notable Essays" section of Best American Essays. His children's work has appeared in several magazines, while his plays have been given stage readings at GEVA Theatre and Bristol Valley Playhouse. When he's not writing, reading, reviewing, or teaching, he can usually be found with his wife and son on the frisbee golf course or the ultimate frisbee field.

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