Peril’s Gate picks up right where Grand Conspiracy left off: Arithon is once again on the run, pursued by an Alliance of Light army led by its Lord Commander, Sulfin Evend, and his half-brother Lysaer. The Koriani enchantresses are also still trying to capture Arithon, with Elaira forced to walk a precarious line between betraying her order and helping her beloved. In Arithon’s desperate bid to stay ahead and stay alive, he receives help from Earl Jieret’s war band, an elite force but one surely not strong enough to prevail against the vast forces of the Alliance of Light. The Fellowship of Seven is unable to lend much assistance, as they are scrambling to keep Athera from falling apart… but help may still reach Arithon from an unexpected — and maybe unwelcome — direction…
Parts of Peril’s Gate have the same level of suspense as the second half of To Ride Hell’s Chasm, which is one of my favorite standalone fantasies. In one sense, this book is one big chase scene similar to the end of Hell’s Chasm, but because these characters and this world have by now, after five previous novels in the WARS OF LIGHT AND SHADOW series, acquired so much depth and so many layers, the wild chase in Peril’s Gate has much more impact than you’d expect and may just be the most dramatic chase scene I’ve ever encountered in any medium.
Still, while the chase takes center stage, there are several sub-chapters offering glimpses of other events taking place on Athera, so the story continues to deepen even as you’re pulled along in the whirlwind of Arithon’s desperation. Most significantly, Janny Wurts describes the Fellowship’s desperate efforts to protect the planet after Morriel’s misguided actions at the end of Grand Conspiracy, but you’ll also read about the actions of Prince Kevor, Dakar and Fionn Areth, the machinations of the Koriani enchantresses, and several others.
The final quarter of the book contains one of the most grueling scenes in the series so far, as Arithon is forced to relive the most traumatizing events in his past, this time experiencing them from more than just his own perspective. Janny Wurts doesn’t pull any punches describing this truly harrowing experience, which at times is so intense it may give readers a visceral reaction. At the same time, this unforgettable finale shows Arithon growing and transcending his suffering in an almost mystical way, giving Peril’s Gate a spiritual dimension that’s quite unlike anything I’ve encountered in fantasy before.
There are other chapters and scenes in this book that are simply unforgettable, making Peril’s Gate one of the strongest installments in the series so far. You’ll find true heroism and heartbreaking sacrifice in the chapters focusing on the Companions as they try to protect their liege Arithon. You’ll also learn much more about Athera and its history. Finally, even though you won’t find an “Ars Arcanum” section at the back of these books, there are several highly intricate magic systems displayed in these novels, and Peril’s Gate begins to show their differences as well the real depth behind them for the first time.
While the first two novels in the Alliance of Light arc of this series contained a bit more set-up, all the pieces are now firmly in place in Peril’s Gate, resulting in a more rewarding novel that doesn’t let up in pace or intensity until you’ve turned the final page. Not only is this one of the strongest books in the series so far, it’s also one of the most memorable fantasy novels I’ve ever read. Highly recommended.
The Wars of Light and Shadow — (1993-2017) Booklist: For more than 500 years the Mistwraith has darkened the world of Athera. Where once were fields, flowers, and unicorns, there now are bareness, poverty, and desperation. The curse can be lifted only by the combined powers of two half-brothers who have been raised apart as enemies. Blond Lysaer, who grew up in the castle, is a born diplomat with a strong sense of justice and latent powers of light. Dark-haired Arithon, called the Master of Shadows, is skilled in music and magic and possesses an overwhelming empathy for all living things. When the two are thrown together in exile, an uneasy bond begins to form between them, and under the guidance of the Fellowship of Sorcerers, they work toward lifting the bane. But the Mistwraith fights back by twisting their talents and turning them against each other, plunging the kingdom into a bloody conflict. Read an excerpt of The Curse of the Mistwraith here. Listen to excerpts here. (Excerpts of other WoLaS books also available.)
I really enjoyed this book. The lack of melodrama (as "plot") was a feature, not a bug, I think. Parts…
good points Mariion-. I actually had meant to talk about the ham radio but the review was getting long (I…
You got your review up before I could even write one. I loved this book--one of my favorite reads of…
Hey, any book with a ghost, a goat girl AND a vampire can't be all bad, right?
Whoa! Cool.