fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviewsfantasy book reviews John Norman 3. Priest-Kings of GorNomads of Gor by John Norman

Nomads of Gor is the fourth installment in John Norman’s series about Tarl Cabot, the professor from Earth who is now a warrior on the planet Gor (the Counter-Earth). In the last book, Priest-Kings of Gor, Tarl was instructed by the Priest-Kings to find their egg — the last hope of the insectoid Priest-King race. The egg is in the keeping of the wagon people, a fierce group of nomadic tribes. Tarl needs to find these people, infiltrate their society, get the egg, and escape.

Gor is an impressive world full of diverse and fascinating geographies, races, languages, cultures, and economic systems which John Norman describes in loving detail. This world-building is the best part of the Gorean Saga. But amongst all this diversity, one thing (surprisingly) remains the same wherever Tarl Cabot goes: every society he encounters captures pretty girls and uses them (branded, chained, and collared) as pleasure slaves.

John Norman’s favorite trick is to turn a beautiful, independent, and feisty woman into a slave. At first she’ll resist and scream “Never!”, “I hate you!”, etc. Then she is subdued by her master and made to learn her place. Soon she is happier than she’s ever been in her life because she’s learned to give in to her natural desire to be dominated by a man. (Yet, if she’s so content, I’m not sure why she still has to wear a leash.)

This is my fourth (and last) Gor book and I’ve had an epiphany. All this time I’ve been wondering why these “spirited” women don’t get together, rise up, and revolt. They walk around doing chores together, so it’d be easy to plan a night where every fiery female slave stabs or poisons her master. Now, I’ve finally realized what their problem is… they’re all idiots.

fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviewsThis is how it goes:

Man: You are beautiful and feisty so I want you to be my slave, wench! I will have you!

Stupid Wench #1
: No way! I am a free woman and my birthday is in a few days. Then I will get my inheritance and become the richest woman in the country. I will never be your slave! NEVER! NEVER! I hate you! NEVER!

: Stop kicking me and punching me with your tiny fists, feisty wench! You will be my slave!

Stupid Wench #1
: No! Never! And just to show you how much I hate you, I will now ask this other warrior to challenge you in a duel and I will make myself the prize. You will never have me! NEVER!

: Actually, I changed my mind. You are not worth fighting for.

Stupid Wench #1
: What? Am I not beautiful? Don’t you want me?

: No, not really. I’ve got Stupid Wench #2 over there and she’s way better than you.

Stupid Wench #1
: What? She has fat ankles!

: Her ankles are sturdy. See how well she runs next to me when I’m riding on my horse.fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviews

Stupid Wench #1
: I am better than her! Fight for me!

Stupid Wench #2
: I am first girl, you stupid wench! We don’t need any other stupid wenches around here. I can do all the washing, cooking, cleaning, animal grooming, poop scooping, kneeling, groveling, and man-pleasing all by myself. You will not outrank me! NEVER!

Stupid Wench #1
: I am prettier than Stupid Wench #2! My ankles are not fat. Don’t you think I’m pretty?

: You are not worth much.

Stupid Wench #1
: Fight for me! Fight for me! Put your collar on me, Master!

So Man wins Stupid Wench #1 (who loses her inheritance since she’s no longer free), outfits her in shiny new handcuffs, ankle rings, and collar, drags her by her hair, throws her across his saddle, and rides off. Stupid Wench #2 is trotting along at his side, sweating and resting her head on his thigh occasionally. Once Stupid Wench #1 is branded and settled in, she and Stupid Wench #2 jealously jostle for position — taunting each other, sneering, calling names, and sometimes even kicking, biting, and pulling hair… And yet, according to the Gorean philosophy, they’re now complete women because they have submitted to a man and are in their proper place…

This is just insulting. Not the part about women being willing to submit to men, but the fact that these women are valued only for their beauty and “spirit,” are so easily beguiled by these men’s transparent manipulations, and then are encouraged to jealously compete with each other for the man’s affections. Norman wants us to believe his women are wonderful because they’re fiery and spirited. But no, they’re not. They’re all just a bunch of idiots. I say they got what they deserve.

The Chronicles of Gor — (1967-2013) Publisher: Tarl Cabot has always believed himself to be a citizen of Earth. He has no inkling that his destiny is far greater than the small planet he has inhabited for the first twenty-odd years of his life. One frosty winter night in the New England woods, he finds himself transported to the planet of Gor, also known as Counter-Earth, where everything is dramatically different from anything he has ever experienced. It emerges that Tarl is to be trained as a Tarnsman, one of the most honored positions in the rigid, caste-bound Gorean society. He is disciplined by the best teachers and warriors that Gor has to offer… but to what end?

fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 1. Tarnsman of Gor 2. Outlaw of Gor 3. Priest Kings Of Gor 4. Nomads of Gor 5. Assassin of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 1. Tarnsman of Gor 2. Outlaw of Gor 3. Priest Kings Of Gor 4. Nomads of Gor 5. Assassin of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 1. Tarnsman of Gor 2. Outlaw of Gor 3. Priest Kings Of Gor 4. Nomads of Gor 5. Assassin of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 1. Tarnsman of Gor 2. Outlaw of Gor 3. Priest Kings Of Gor 4. Nomads of Gor 5. Assassin of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 1. Tarnsman of Gor 2. Outlaw of Gor 3. Priest Kings Of Gor 4. Nomads of Gor 5. Assassin of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 6. Raiders of Gor 7. Captive of Gor 8. Hunters of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 6. Raiders of Gor 7. Captive of Gor 8. Hunters of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 6. Raiders of Gor 7. Captive of Gor 8. Hunters of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 6. Raiders of Gor 7. Captive of Gor 8. Hunters of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 6. Raiders of Gor 7. Captive of Gor 8. Hunters of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 11. Slave Girl of Gor 12. Beasts of Gor 13. Explorers of Gor 14. Fighting Slave of Gor 15. Rogue of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 11. Slave Girl of Gor 12. Beasts of Gor 13. Explorers of Gor 14. Fighting Slave of Gor 15. Rogue of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 11. Slave Girl of Gor 12. Beasts of Gor 13. Explorers of Gor 14. Fighting Slave of Gor 15. Rogue of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 11. Slave Girl of Gor 12. Beasts of Gor 13. Explorers of Gor 14. Fighting Slave of Gor 15. Rogue of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 11. Slave Girl of Gor 12. Beasts of Gor 13. Explorers of Gor 14. Fighting Slave of Gor 15. Rogue of Gor fantasy and science fiction book reviews fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 16. Guardsman of Gor 17. Savages of Gor 18. Blood Brothers of Gor 19. Kajira of Gor 20. Players of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 16. Guardsman of Gor 17. Savages of Gor 18. Blood Brothers of Gor 19. Kajira of Gor 20. Players of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 16. Guardsman of Gor 17. Savages of Gor 18. Blood Brothers of Gor 19. Kajira of Gor 20. Players of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 16. Guardsman of Gor 17. Savages of Gor 18. Blood Brothers of Gor 19. Kajira of Gor 20. Players of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 21. Mercenaries of Gor 22. Dancer of Gor 23. Renegades of Gor 24. Vagabonds of Gor 25. Magicians of Gor 26. Witness of Gor 27. Prize of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 21. Mercenaries of Gor 22. Dancer of Gor 23. Renegades of Gor 24. Vagabonds of Gor 25. Magicians of Gor 26. Witness of Gor 27. Prize of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 21. Mercenaries of Gor 22. Dancer of Gor 23. Renegades of Gor 24. Vagabonds of Gor 25. Magicians of Gor 26. Witness of Gor 27. Prize of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 21. Mercenaries of Gor 22. Dancer of Gor 23. Renegades of Gor 24. Vagabonds of Gor 25. Magicians of Gor 26. Witness of Gor 27. Prize of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 21. Mercenaries of Gor 22. Dancer of Gor 23. Renegades of Gor 24. Vagabonds of Gor 25. Magicians of Gor 26. Witness of Gor 27. Prize of Gor fantasy book reviews John Norman The Gorean Saga 21. Mercenaries of Gor 22. Dancer of Gor 23. Renegades of Gor 24. Vagabonds of Gor 25. Magicians of Gor 26. Witness of Gor 27. Prize of Gor



  • Katherine Hooper

    KAT HOOPER, who started this site in June 2007, earned a Ph.D. in neuroscience and psychology at Indiana University (Bloomington) and now teaches and conducts brain research at the University of North Florida. When she reads fiction, she wants to encounter new ideas and lots of imagination. She wants to view the world in a different way. She wants to have her mind blown. She loves beautiful language and has no patience for dull prose, vapid romance, or cheesy dialogue. She prefers complex characterization, intriguing plots, and plenty of action. Favorite authors are Jack Vance, Robin Hobb, Kage Baker, William Gibson, Gene Wolfe, Richard Matheson, and C.S. Lewis.

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