Maladies and Medicine: Exploring Health & Healing, 1540-1740 by Jennifer Evans & Sara Read
Maladies and Medicine: Exploring Health & Healing, 1540-1740 (2017) is an always informative, often fascinating, at times wince-inducing look at the various illnesses diagnosed in in the early-modern period, as well as their various treatments, although both “illnesses” and “treatments” can be misleading terms, given that not all such sicknesses were actual ailments and that the vast majority of treatments not only didn’t do much for the sufferer but may have (in the case of mercury treatments, for instance) made things far worse.
Authors Jennifer Evans and Sara Read open with a general overview of medicine of that time, discussing the belief in bodily humours, astrological medicine, the impact of religion, how gender affected diagnosis, and the division of the medical community into physicians, surgeons and apothecaries. The rest of the book is divided up into several general sections: Head Complaints, Abdominal Maladies, Whole Body Ailments, and Reproductive Maladies, with individual illnesses each given typically 6-7 pages of description, though it varies from ailment to ailment. The list of “maladies” includes migraines, palsy, toothache, kidney stones, cancer, diabetes, gout, scurvy, smallpox, the plague, the “virgin’s disease,” infertility, and venereal disease, along with a number of others. At the end, the authors recognize that even this lengthy list is only a partial one of those that could have been covered, and while some are of obvious importance (the plague, the pox), choosing which ones to detail and which to ignore is somewhat arbitrary.
Each individual section describes the various symptoms, the many ways of diagnosing the illness, and the often varied and legion methods of treatment. Some of the treatments will be familiar to the general lay reader — bleeding, leeches, amulets and charms — while others might be more of a surprise if not an outright shock, such as taking a puppy that has been “cloven in two parts through the midst of the back” and laying it atop the “afflicted joints.” Evans and Read bolster their claims with numerous quotations from primary documents — medical texts, letters, diaries, and the like, along with a number of illustrations.
The presentation is smooth and clear throughout and while aimed at the lay reader in terms of vocabulary and syntax, the tone is clear but serious, the language neither academic nor elevated, but also not conversational, and there’s little to no humor (i.e. not the approach, say, of a Mary Roach or Bill Bryson). But for the serious lay reader, one interested in history or doing research for some writing set in the time period, Maladies and Medicine is an excellent resource.
What an intriguing exploration of Edwige Fenech's role in giallo films! I appreciate how you highlighted her unique blend of…
Hahaha! You might like the one "Shocktober" scene near the end!
For some strange reason, I get the feeling I might like this one! 😁
Wow, 20 dollars? That seems a lot for a 100-or-so-page book, but most of my novellas have come via ARCs…
I might say "formulaic" actually.