fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviewsfantasy book review Linda Robertson 2. Hallowed CircleHallowed Circle by Linda Robertson

Linda Robertson’s first novel, Vicious Circle, was a fun read, and its sequel, Hallowed Circle, is even better. In this second installment, Robertson spins a highly original plot (if this has been done in urban fantasy before, it was in a book I missed!), further develops her characters and the relationships among them, and as an added bonus, passes the Bechdel Test with flying colors.

Persephone Alcmedi is still reeling from the discovery that she is the Lustrata, a “chosen one” sort of figure. Plus, she’s still getting used to having her grandmother, a foster-daughter, and a puppy under her roof, not to mention the latest ups and downs in her relationship with Johnny the guitar-playing werewolf. So when she’s nominated to compete in the Eximium, a contest in which a new High Priestess will be chosen, Seph doesn’t want any part of it.

She changes her mind when she meets the front-runner, Hunter Hopewell, who has her nose in the air and a chip on her shoulder. After dealing with the previous High Priestess, Seph doesn’t want yet another snooty social climber ruling the coven, so she agrees to compete in the hopes of knocking Hunter out of the running. But Seph gets more than she bargained for when contestants start turning up dead.

The Eximium is such a unique and fun plot. The murder mystery is compelling, and so is the contest itself, in which five revered crones set challenges for Seph and the other would-be priestesses. Hallowed Circle has two other plotlines running alongside this one; one of them concerns Johnny, and the other deals with the vampire Menessos and a group of ticked-off fairies.

I’ve often praised authors for creating a sense of place. Robertson creates a vivid sense of time. Hallowed Circle takes place during the Halloween season and it really feels like it, in every detail.

I couldn’t put Hallowed Circle down. Between the sympathetic characters, the well-grounded magical lore, and an exciting plot in which nothing is quite what it seems, this is a standout urban fantasy.

Persephone Alcmedi — (2009-2012) Publisher: A girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do… Being a witch doesn’t pay the bills, but  Persephone Alcmedi gets by between reading Tarot cards, writing her syndicated  newspaper column, and kenneling werewolves in the basement when the moon is full — even if witches aren’t supposed to mingle with werewolves. She really reaches the end of her leash, though, when her grandmother gets kicked out of the nursing home and Seph finds herself in the doghouse about some things she’s written. Then her werewolf friend Lorrie is murdered… and the high priestess of an important coven offers Seph big money to destroy the killer, a powerful vampire named Goliath Kline. Seph is a tough girl, but this time she bites off more than she can chew. She needs a little help from her friends — werewolf friends. One of those friends, Johnny, the motorcycle-riding lead singer for the techno-metal-goth band Lycanthropia, has a crush on her. And while Seph has always been on edge around this 6’2″ leather-clad hunk, she’s starting to realize that although their attraction may be dangerous, nothing could be as lethal as the showdown that awaits them.

urban fantasy book reviews Linda Robertson 1. Vicious Circle 2. Hallowed Circleurban fantasy book reviews Linda Robertson 1. Vicious Circle 2. Hallowed Circle 3. Fatal Circle 4. Arcane Circleurban fantasy book reviews Linda Robertson 1. Vicious Circle 2. Hallowed Circle 3. Fatal Circle 4. Arcane Circle urban fantasy book reviews Linda Robertson 1. Vicious Circle 2. Hallowed Circle 3. Fatal Circle 4. Arcane Circle Wicked Circle fantasy and science fiction book reviews


  • Kelly Lasiter

    KELLY LASITER, with us since July 2008, is a mild-mannered academic administrative assistant by day, but at night she rules over a private empire of tottering bookshelves. Kelly is most fond of fantasy set in a historical setting (a la Jo Graham) or in a setting that echoes a real historical period (a la George RR Martin and Jacqueline Carey). She also enjoys urban fantasy and its close cousin, paranormal romance, though she believes these subgenres’ recent burst in popularity has resulted in an excess of dreck. She is a sucker for pretty prose (she majored in English, after all) and mythological themes.

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