fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviewsfantasy book review Steven Erikson Reaper's Gale Malazan Book of the FallenDust of Dreams by Steven Erikson

So, a long-running, massive multi-volume fantasy epic is winding to a close, a close so big that the last book actually has to be split, and it’s still 800 pages long. What’s that? No, this is the other long-running massive multi-volume split-the-last-book fantasy epic. Not The Wheel of Time but Steven Erikson’s Malazan series, whose penultimate book, Dust of Dreams, moves us nearly to the close. And if I had to choose only one LRMMVSTLB fantasy epic for newbies to start? Sorry, Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson fans (and I’m mostly both), but Malazan would be the one.

But really, who’m I talking to here? There aren’t any newbies reading a review of book nine in this series. You’re only reading this if you’ve already read books 1-8 (if you haven’t, then why are you reading this?). And let’s face it, if you’ve read the first 7000 pages or so, do you really care what I have to say about the most recent 800? Are you really going to stop now? Didn’t think so.

And what could I tell you anyway? Am I going to summarize the plot for you? Are you kidding me? You all know what an Erikson plot is like. Summarizing it would take up 200 pages by itself. Here are a couple of bones (pun may be intended): Readying themselves for a battle most believe will be their last, Tavore and the Bonehunters are about to march into the Wastelands and join with the Khundryl Burned Tears and the Perish Grey Helms, who are already heading there and having issues with kingdom they have to cross to get there. Meanwhile, the K’Chain Che’Malle are out recruiting for a Mortal Sword and Shield. Meanwhile, the Shake are on the move. And there are about a dozen more “meanwhile’s” — it’s Erikson after all. We’ve got gods, ascendants, Jaghut, Imass, dragons, Assail, various Tistes, and the list goes on. We’ve got the Bonehunters of course, along with Silchas Ruin and Toc and Icarium and Draconus and Mappo and Tehol and the list goes on. Let’s just say the word for the day class is “Convergence.” And it really is with a capital C. (So much so that it might not be a bad idea to think about starting a re-read, at least for the final book — there are a lot of threads from the previous books, both large and small, that are starting to weave together and it will be a richer experience having them fresh in one’s mind, I’m thinking.)

We’ve got dead, undead, nearly dead, recently dead, long-ago dead, dead-then-not-so-dead, can’t-believe-he’s (she’s)-dead, thought-he (she)-was-dead and is-he (she)-really-dead? In fact, my favorite line in the book (and one that applies to much of the series) was, “does nothing dead ever go away around here?”

We’ve got a gripping, utterly kick-ass battle scene that rivals any of his best ones yet, and nobody does battle scenes like Erikson.

We’ve got lots of the usual introspection and philosophy; we’ve got grunts waxing wise and characters musing on topics ranging from environmental despoliation to aboriginal genocide to economics to ethics to monotheism and well, the list goes on. Some people could probably do without the quieter moments, or at least without so many, but I lapped them up in this one and while some felt a bit stilted, they never really slowed the book down for me. Or actually, they do slow the pace (one of their purposes, I’d argue) but I didn’t mind — they didn’t dull the pace may be a better way of saying it. These moments deepened the book beyond a simple bang-em-up plot (nothing wrong with a little actual thoughtfulness) and deepened characters as well.

Such scenes work on several levels — they bring Erikson’s themes to the forefront (though admittedly sometimes too bluntly so). They allow for a pause between all those frantic moments. And perhaps most importantly, by spending quiet “human” time with these characters, you find yourself caring what happens to them during those frantic moments. Erikson’s battle scenes are so effective, not simply for the magics-go-boom and swords-go-hack aspect, but because the combatants in those battles are real characters, not cardboard cutouts going through the motions. This impact is multiplied by the sheer length of time we’ve spent with some of these characters, such as Fiddler or Quick Ben. They’ve become old familiar friends by now and we cringe at what they go through.

Erikson’s trademark humor is here as well; there were many times I laughed out loud and even more where I simply chuckled or smiled to myself. Sometimes he may try a bit too hard (Tehol has a few such moments), but in general Erikson knows how to use his comic relief.

And he needs it in Dust of Dreams. It is grim. Grim in overall tone through much of it, grim in the sense of impending disaster always looming, grim in its thematic connections to what is happening in our own world. Beyond the baked-in bleakness that permeates the work, there are several individual scenes that are startlingly dark and horrific, some of which involve children, intensifying the impact greatly. Yet somehow, and this is something I think show Erikson at his best in this work, there is a counterbalance not just of easy humor but of hope: not cheesy hope that rides in with a magic talisman or a suddenly-revealed birthright, etc. but a longer-range almost kind of hopeless, heartbreaking hope. I don’t know anyone who does it as well as Erikson and it’s one of the major aspects of this series that separates it from so much other fantasy.

I’d rank Dust of Dreams in the top tier of a top-tier series, and it promises a hell of a close for the Malazan series. It ends, unfortunately, with a cliffhanger, but Dust of Dreams leaves you wanting more, not because of a few pages of cliffhanger, but because of the 7000 or so pages that came before. That’s some achievement.

The Malazan Book of the Fallen — (1999-2011) Publisher: The Malazan Empire simmers with discontent, bled dry by interminable warfare, bitter infighting and bloody confrontations. Even the imperial legions, long inured to the bloodshed, yearn for some respite. Yet Empress Laseen’s rule remains absolute, enforced by her dread Claw assassins. For Sergeant Whiskeyjack and his squad of Bridgeburners, and for Tattersail, surviving cadre mage of the Second Legion, the aftermath of the siege of Pale should have been a time to mourn the many dead. But Darujhistan, last of the Free Cities of Genabackis, yet holds out. It is to this ancient citadel that Laseen turns her predatory gaze. However, it would appear that the Empire is not alone in this great game. Sinister, shadowbound forces are gathering as the gods themselves prepare to play their hand.

(fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviews book review Steven Erikson Malazan Deadhouse Gates) book review Steven Erikson Malazan Memories of Ice science fiction, fantasy, horror, and comic book reviewsbook review Steven Erikson Malazan Midnight Tidesbook review Steven Erikson Malazan The Bonehunters book review Steven Erikson Malazan Reaper's Gale Steven Erikson Toll The Hounds Malazan Book of the Fallen 8 July 22, 2008 Steven Erikson The Malazan Book of the Fallen 9. Dust of Dreams 10. The Crippled God Steven Erikson The Malazan Book of the Fallen 9. Dust of Dreams 10. The Crippled God


  • Bill Capossere

    BILL CAPOSSERE, who's been with us since June 2007, lives in Rochester NY, where he is an English adjunct by day and a writer by night. His essays and stories have appeared in Colorado Review, Rosebud, Alaska Quarterly, and other literary journals, along with a few anthologies, and been recognized in the "Notable Essays" section of Best American Essays. His children's work has appeared in several magazines, while his plays have been given stage readings at GEVA Theatre and Bristol Valley Playhouse. When he's not writing, reading, reviewing, or teaching, he can usually be found with his wife and son on the frisbee golf course or the ultimate frisbee field.

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