fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviewsbook review Vampire Earth E.E. Knight 2. Choice of the CatChoice of the Cat by E.E. Knight

David Valentine returns home for a break in Choice of the Cat, but his rest is short-lived, as he quickly becomes the victim of military bureaucracy and is given a special assignment: he is to partner with a special agent who goes by the code name Smoke. Smoke, a small, attractive female killer with mild psychotic tendencies, is a specialized soldier called a Cat. While we learned a little about Cats in Way of the Wolf, we get to see what it’s like to be one in Choice of the Cat. Valentine (now code-named Ghost) and Smoke are assigned to gather intel on a group of Nazi-like super soldiers who are under Kurian control. These “Twisted Cross” soldiers are capable of organized destruction and have been to known to wipe out entire fortified cities overnight. This may sound a little silly, but if you’ve read the first book, you know what you’re getting into (and if you are contemplating reading the VAMPIRE EARTH series, check out our reviews of Way of the Wolf).

The story format E.E. Knight chose is the same as the first book: Valentine is placed in one tight situation after another, and usually cracks a few heads to get his way out. It’s fun, a tad bawdy, and exactly what you want from this type of book. There are books that enlighten you, make you cry, or try to change you for the better. Then there are the books that just kick ass and chew bubble gum, and are all out of bubble gum (thank you Duke Nukem). Choice of the Cat is that second type of book. There are no elves, no fairies, and no magical glades of wonder. Guns, explosions, punches to the face, and just a touch of the human spirit are what you get in the VAMPIRE EARTH series.

I listened to Choice of the Cat on Audio CD by Brilliance Audio. The novel is once again read by the talented Christian Rummel. (Go back to my Way of the Wolf review to see exactly how I feel about Rummel.) Suffice it to say that he fails to disappoint in this sequel. As the number of characters increases, so does the range of voices he has to cover, and he manages all of it without ever breaking you out of the narrative flow. This is a fun book and a very nice addition to Brilliance Audio’s library of titles. Highly recommended to those who like action-adventure type SF&F.

Vampire Earth — (2001-2014) Publisher: Welcome to David Valentine’s world. It is a world where conquered humans occupy a role somewhere between livestock and slaves. A world ruled by unearthly monsters of such dark intent and limitless hunger that they can only be called Vampires. Violently orphaned at the age of eleven, Valentine’s aimless life changes when he meets a group of men bearing arms against the vampiric invaders and their human allies. These men are Wolves: elite guerilla fighters engaged in an ongoing battle to win back the Earth. The Way of the Wolf is not an easy road to travel. Few men or women can master the disciplines involved, and those who do rarely survive for long. But for young David Valentine, compelled by the losses of his past and the dreams of his future, there can be no other choice. It is a choice that will lead him to adventures beyond his wildest imaginings… and to horrors worse than any he has ever faced.

book review E.E. Knight Vampire Earth Way of the Wolf, Choice of the Cat, Tale of the Thunderbolt, Valentine's Rising, Valentine's Exile, Valentine's Resolve, Fall With Honor book review E.E. Knight Vampire Earth Way of the Wolf, Choice of the Cat, Tale of the Thunderbolt, Valentine's Rising, Valentine's Exile, Valentine's Resolve, Fall With Honorbook review E.E. Knight Vampire Earth Way of the Wolf, Choice of the Cat, Tale of the Thunderbolt, Valentine's Rising, Valentine's Exile, Valentine's Resolve, Fall With Honor book review E.E. Knight Vampire Earth Way of the Wolf, Choice of the Cat, Tale of the Thunderbolt, Valentine's Rising, Valentine's Exile, Valentine's Resolve, Fall With Honor book review E.E. Knight Vampire Earth 1. Way of the Wolf 2. Choice of the Cat 3. Tale of the Thunderbolt 4. Valentine's Rising 5. Valentine's Exile 6. Valentine's Resolve 7. Fall With Honor 8. Winter Dutybook review E.E. Knight Vampire Earth 1. Way of the Wolf 2. Choice of the Cat 3. Tale of the Thunderbolt 4. Valentine's Rising 5. Valentine's Exile 6. Valentine's Resolve 7. Fall With Honor 8. Winter Dutybook review E.E. Knight Vampire Earth 1. Way of the Wolf 2. Choice of the Cat 3. Tale of the Thunderbolt 4. Valentine's Rising 5. Valentine's Exile 6. Valentine's Resolve 7. Fall With Honor 8. Winter Duty book review E.E. Knight Vampire Earth 1. Way of the Wolf 2. Choice of the Cat 3. Tale of the Thunderbolt 4. Valentine's Rising 5. Valentine's Exile 6. Valentine's Resolve 7. Fall With Honor 8. Winter Duty 9. March in Country book review E.E. Knight Vampire Earth 1. Way of the Wolf 2. Choice of the Cat 3. Tale of the Thunderbolt 4. Valentine's Rising 5. Valentine's Exile 6. Valentine's Resolve 7. Fall With Honor 8. Winter Duty 9. March in Country fantasy and science fiction book reviews fantasy and science fiction book reviews


  • Justin Blazier

    JUSTIN BLAZIER (on FanLit's staff since September 2009) is a Cyber-Security Analyst/Network Engineer located in Northern Kentucky. Like many fantasy enthusiasts, Justin cut his teeth on authors like Tolkien, Anthony, and Lewis. Due to lack of space, his small public library would often give him their donated SFF books. When he is not reading books he is likely playing board games or Tabletop RPGs. Justin lives in a quiet neighborhood with his wife, their daughter, and Norman the dog.

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