FanLit readers, we just discovered that our email notifications for posts and giveaways haven’t been working for at least a couple of months because Google’s Feedburner finally quit sending them, as it’s been warning us for years that it would. We’re working on a fix for this. In the sidebar there’s a place to sign up for email notifications which you can filter for certain tags (such as “Giveaway”) if you like. For now, we’re trying it out to see how we like it. If we don’t like it, we’ll try something different.
FanLit Readers' Favorites!

It’s the first Thursday of the month. Time to report!

What’s the best book you read in October 2022 and why did you love it? It doesn’t have to be a newly published book, or even SFF, or even fiction. We just want to share some great reading material.

Feel free to post a full review of the book here, or a link to the review on your blog, or just write a few sentences about why you thought it was awesome.

And don’t forget that we always have plenty more reading recommendations on our Fanlit Faves page and our 5-Star SFF page.

One commenter with a U.S. mailing address will choose one of these prizes:

  • a FanLit T-shirt (we have sizes M, L, XL)
  • a book from our stacks.
  • a $5 Amazon gift card (this is the only option for non-USA addresses).


  • FanLit

    FanLit is a hobby for us, but it costs us money to run the site. You can help by using our links to purchase books at Amazon. Just click on our images of the book covers. It won't cost you any extra, but FanLit will get a referral fee for anything you buy (not just books). We use this money to pay for our domain names, hosting, software, and mailing books to giveaway winners. Thank you!

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