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SFF Author: Mary Jo Putney

Mary Jo PutneyMary Jo Putney A New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly bestselling author, is a graduate of Syracuse University with degrees in eighteenth-century literature and industrial design. She has won numerous awards for her writing, including two Romance Writers of America RITA awards, four consecutive Golden Leaf awards for Best Historical Romance, and the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award for Historical Romance. Ms. Putney lives near Baltimore, Maryland. She writes young adult novels under the name M.J. Putney. We are presenting her romantic fantasies. You can read excerpts at Mary Jo Putney’s website.


Dark Mirror: Mary Jo Putney’s YA debut

Dark Mirror by M.J. Putney

M.J. Putney, a.k.a. Mary Jo Putney, is a well-known author of romance novels. In Dark Mirror, Putney makes her young adult debut. Dark Mirror is a blend of fantasy and historical romance set in an alternate history in which magic exists and is legal, but is considered gauche, fit only for the lower classes.

In 1803, young Victoria Mansfield learns she has magic and knows she must keep it secret if she is to make a good marriage.

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Songs of Love and Death: Tales of star-crossed lovers

Songs of Love and Death edited by George R.R. Martin & Gardner Dozois

Songs of Love and Death is the third anthology that George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois have edited together. Like Warriors and Songs of the Dying EarthSongs of Love and Death brings together some of the biggest names that SFF has to offer and they set these authors to work on a common theme.

Martin and Dozois offer a cross-genre anthology that ranges from Robin Hobb’s epic fantasy “Blue Boots,” which tells the story of a romance between a young serving girl and a silver-tongued minstrel,

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Next SFF Author: Howard Pyle
Previous SFF Author: Mara Purnhagen

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