Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger
Elatsoe (2020), a YA debut by Darcie Little Badger, creates a richly woven world of folklore, myth, story, friendship, and family, all set in “a slightly stranger America,” one “very similar to our own … [but] shaped dramatically by the magic, monsters, knowledge, and legends of its peoples, those Indigenous and not.” As a debut, it shows some of the typical first-book characteristics (issues with pacing, transitions, etc.), but it’s overall a warmly rewarding and enjoyable read.
Elatsoe — “Ellie” for nearly all the book — is a 17-year-old Lipan Apache girl with the ability to raise ghosts,
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Ahhh… another person that doesn’t understand what fiction is. Also another person that lies as much as this Kat Hooper…
Bob… it’s explained in the book Bob… it’s a FICTIONAL STORY Bob.., You know what fiction is, don’t you Bob?…
Oh… my… god… This reviewer is a complete and total idiot that quite clearly simply hates John Ringo. Did she…
Wow, sounds terrific. Adding it to my list.
Yes, the birds and small animals (often in silhouette) along with flowers, vines or other foliage; the young, attractive person's…