Sarah Smith is a Snipe, one of the non-magical servants who works in the home of the rich, powerful, and magical Winter family. Sarah’s life takes a dramatic turn when, in a stressful situation, she does a minor bit of magic in front of Mrs. Winter. Afraid of the consequences of harboring a magical snipe, Mrs. Winter concocts a whole new identity for Sarah and ships her off to the prestigious academy for young magical aristocrats. Here, Sarah is thrust into a world of privilege and power, where she must not only learn to control her newfound abilities but also navigate the treacherous social waters of a Victorian-esque society that looks down on those without a noble lineage.
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The only thing I remember about this one is that I loved the title. Thanks for the walk down memory…
Thanks for the recap, I didn't get a chance to read that article. Self-published and indie published books don't have…
Generally my complaints about trends in genre publishing can be dismissed as the grumbling of a grumpy old person, but…
Continuing with my political readings, I enjoyed George Stephanopolous's The Situation Room: The Inside Story of Presidents in Crisis, which…
The next installment in Goldeen Ogawa's "Professor Odd" series is the latest one released so far, #12 "Cerberus Retired", serving…