Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

Author: Ruth Arnell


WWW: September 26, 2012

So, need a break from playing the new World of Warcraft expansion (OMGPANDASFTWQUEEEEE!!!)? Here’s some other pixels you can rest your eyeballs on. Though really, I would recommend getting out of your chair, eating some fruit and going outside. That big glowing thing in the sky is called the sun.

Awesome Star Wars terrariums. Who knew you could make a Dagobah terrarium?

A new Hobbit trailer!

Over at #sffwrtcht, an excellent interview with Juliet Marillier, including her talking about what she’s working on now for readers to look forward to.

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WWW: September 19, 2012

Due to overwhelming five year oldness in my house, this week’s column is going to be short.

Author Kate Elliott writes an awesome column about fantasy fiction and omniscient breasts.

This is the most amazing model of Bilbo Baggin’s home that I have ever seen. The photos are incredible. You really should take a look.

These are funny instructions on how to correctly read a book.

George R.R. Martin appeared on NPR’s news show,

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WWW: September 12, 2012

Cool Science Fiction and Fantasy bookish things from around the web:

1. Grasping for the Wind hosts a video of Terry Brooks reading from his Garet Jax short story.

2. In additional Terry Brooks news, the SHANNARA books are in development to be turned into a TV show. This news has caused some kerfuffle amongst fantasy fans as everyone has their own favorite series they think should be on TV. Note: Terry Brooks and Terry Pratchett are different people.


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Shift: A prequel and companion to Wool

Shift by Hugh Howey

Editor’s Note: Shift is an omnibus containing three separate stories that together are considered the second book in Hugh Howey’s SILO series after Wool (which originally had 5 parts): “First Shift,” “Second Shift,” and “Third Shift.” When Ruth reviewed Shift, “Third Shift” had not yet been published. Kat mentions “Third Shift” in her review below.

Shift is the second book in the SILO series by Hugh Howey,

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Angelfall: A fast, entertaining read

Angelfall by Susan Ee

It’s six weeks past the apocalypse, where armies of angels have wrought destruction upon the major cities of the earth. Penryn has been hiding in a condo in the suburbs of San Francisco with her paranoid schizophrenic mother and wheelchair bound little sister. When their food runs out, she knows they are going to have to try and escape to the hills where hopefully they can find more supplies. But on their way, they get stopped by a band of dueling angels, one of whom gets his wings cut off.

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Messenger: Whaaaa?

Messenger by Lois Lowry

The book flap describes Messenger by Lois Lowry thusly: “For the past six years, Matty has lived in Village and flourished under the guidance of Seer, a blind man, known for his special sight. Village was a place that welcomed newcomers, but something sinister has seeped into Village and the people have voted to close it to outsiders. Matty has been invaluable as a messenger. Now he must make one last journey through the treacherous forest with his only weapon, a power he unexpectedly discovers within himself.” Do you want to know why I used the book flap description for the first time ever?

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Gathering Blue: Lacks any resolution

Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry

Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry is the loosely linked sequel to The Giver. Set in the same world, this story is set in another village that has survived post-apocalyptic collapse of larger society. Instead of the peaceful, well-ordered, cooperative world that characterized the first book, Gathering Blue is set in a dirty, hardscrabble village, where violence and betrayal are commonplace.

The story centers on Kira, a young woman with a deformed leg.

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The Giver: Good story, important questions

The Giver by Lois Lowry

I was first introduced to this book by students in my Ancient Political Theory class while discussing Plato’s Republic. “This is like The Giver!” I had never read the book, so I picked it up and found that, indeed, there are many similarities. The Giver by Lois Lowry is set in a utopian future society where all individuality has been suppressed and people live lives planned by a central council of Elders who dictate who will marry,

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WWWednesday: August 22, 2012

This week kind of has a theme: Different ways authors interact with their audiences online

One of the wonderful things that I love about social media is getting to know authors a bit more. For example, YA fantasy author Lisa Mantchev posted the following on Facebook:

Dear Pinterest: Even the fairies are appalled at how much glitter you people are using. And yes, they count Epsom salts as glitter. They are now hording the stuff against the coming Sparklepacalypse (to which, contrary to popular opinion, the Cullens are not invited.)

Even without reading her books,

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I, Zombie: Revolting and highly recommended

I, Zombie by Hugh Howey

Imagine a zombie. An image springs instantly to mind. A rotting corpse, shuffling along, arms held out clumsily, grunting and groaning as it makes its way inexorably forward. Now imagine you, yourself, your ego, inside that zombie. You are that zombie, your consciousness trapped inside a brain that no longer has control over your body, your life, your insatiable hunger. You watch yourself feast on the flesh of those who are no longer survivors of the plague that has infested New York City, revolted by the feel and taste of human waste in your mouth as you gorge yourself on intestines and flesh.

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Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

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