Today, Fantasy Literature welcomes Lee Kelly, whose second novel, A Criminal Magic, was released in February of 2016 (and Jana thought it was fantastic). Ms. Kelly was kind enough to chat with Jana about inspirations, sorcery, jazz music, and letting the reader become part of the creative process. Comment below for a chance to win a copy of A Criminal Magic!
Jana Nyman: The idea of a government-sanctioned prohibition of sorcery — particularly in the vein of the very real prohibition of alcohol in the U.S. in the early 20th century — makes sense when you think about it, but I’ve never seen it implemented before. How did the idea come to you, and did the concept undergo any revisions as you wrote A Criminal Magic?
I did! There’s this Pandora station called “Big Band” which I’d often have on in the background while writing (especially the scenes at the “magical speakeasy” in the novel, the Red Den), and I’d also play hits from the era (Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith).
In general, I like to listen to instrumental music while writing “travel” scenes and fight scenes … and I must have listened to The Road to Perdition’s soundtrack at least fifty times during the drafting of this novel.
Are there any authors or genres in particular who have influenced you as a writer? What books do you like to read whenever you have free time?
I’d say Suzanne Collins, for her ability to make you care about her characters while simultaneously driving you wild from story tension and suspense, and Gillian Flynn, for her twisty plots, but moreover for creating such deep, complicated, dangerous female characters. But my earliest influences were Norton Juster (author of The Phantom Tollbooth), Roald Dahl and Madeleine L’Engle — I remember reading their books as a kid and thinking, “This is what I would love to do.”
As far as what books I like to read, I read pretty broadly (a lot of fantasy and sci-fi, but also young adult, commercial thrillers and literary fiction). I think I tend to read what I’m not writing/drafting as a counterpoint (and as a break)!
That’s a great way to give your brain a break!

Photo credit: Navah Wolfe
Lastly, I’d like to ask about your favorite drink recipe — either as it relates to your creative process (as a relaxation aid while writing, for example) or something involved with your work. Are there any beverages which remind you of A Criminal Magic, or which you drank to celebrate its publication?
I love this question! I am a huge fan of book and cocktail pairings myself :). My revision process for this book was tight and intense, and there were often late nights. As a reward for finishing a scene (or as motivation to complete a scene, depending on the day), my husband and I would make this deep-red drink called the Claret Cocktail (Licor 43, red wine, brandy, lemon, orange juice).
But at the book launch party, we actually served a different ruby-red concoction that we dubbed the “The Sorcerer’s Shine” (made with dry gin, lemon juice, grenadine, ginger, bitters and pomegranate liquor). I wholeheartedly recommend both!
They both sound delicious, and I think it’s brilliant that you actually made something to mimic the “sorcerer’s shine” in your novel!
Thanks so much for having me Jana — I loved these questions!!
And thank you for stopping by, Ms. Kelly. I loved your answers!
Readers, comment below for a chance to win a hardcover copy of A Criminal Magic. U.S.-based addresses only, please.
Love the concept. I wonder if sorcery is dangerous the way alcohol is or worse.
Sorcery itself can be dangerous (if used like a weapon), and the “Sorcerer’s Shine” drink is very addictive; if you’re curious about the novel, I hope you’ll check out my review, too! :)
I want to have a sorcerer’s shine tonight! That sounds perfect!
Great questions and answers, you two; this book goes on my list right now.
Doesn’t it? Let me know if you try one and how it tastes! (And thanks!)
The concept behind this book is absolutely fascinating. Plus it is the 1920s!
The concept is great and the end result is a lot of fun to read.
I love the idea of combining the Roaring Twenties / Prohibition era with fantasy. Plus, I’ve heard a lot of good things about A Criminal Magic in general, so I’d love to read this book.
This interview was a lot of fun to read Jana! :) Thanks for the introduction to a new (to me) book/author!
Interesting idea + hardcover giveaway, is this legal?
This book was already on my To Read list so I really enjoyed the introduction to a bit of behind the scenes here. Thanks!
Lee/Jana – fabulous conversation. I love the insights into the mind of the creator/writer and process involved in fleshing out certain details that a reader takes for granted.
My wife & I have been looking forward to reading A Criminal Magic since we’re both fans of urban fantasy and tales set in the ’20s.
OK, I already wanted to read this book. Now I also want to drink “The Sorcerer’s Shine” with it.
Wow! I am definitely curious now!
Sara L, if you live in the USA, you win a copy of A Criminal Magic!
Please contact me (Marion) with your US address and I’ll have the book sent right away. Happy reading!
Thanks so much! Just submitted the request as instructed. ;)