Monster Hunter: Siege by Larry CorreiaMonster Hunter: Siege by Larry Correia fantasy book reviewsMonster Hunter: Siege by Larry Correia

Monster Hunter: Siege is the sixth novel in Larry Correia’s MONSTER HUNTER INTERNATIONAL (MHI) series. If you’re a fan of Correia but haven’t read MHI, I can tell you that you’ll love it, so go back to Monster Hunter International and start there. If you’re totally new to Larry Correia and you’re not sure if MHI is for you, please read my review of Monster Hunter International — I think it’ll give you a good feel for whether or not you’ll like the series. I called it “entertaining dude-lit,” if that’s any help.

Monster Hunter: Siege is a sequel to the fourth MHI book, Monster Hunter: Legion. Recall that there was a huge monster-hunter convention in Las Vegas and that, at the end of Legion, several monster hunters from different parts of the world were sucked into another dimension. Owen Zastava Pitt (MHI’s best hunter) feels guilty about this and wants to save them, but his friends think that will be impossible.

As they begin to study the problem and collect intelligence, Owen comes up with a crazy idea that just might work. It involves collecting and training a thousand monster hunters from across the globe, travelling to a frozen radioactive monster-infested island off the coast of Russia, and laying siege to the ancient god’s nightmare world. It’s not fun for the monster hunters, or for Owen, but it’s plenty of fun for the reader.

Monster Hunter: Siege by Larry Correia


Fans of MONSTER HUNTER INTERNATIONAL (a group which, surprisingly, includes me) will be pleased with Monster Hunter: Siege. It’s got everything we’ve come to expect from Correia — tough but loveable characters, humor, snappy dialog, grotesque monsters, warring cosmic factions, a biker death cult, head-banging orcs, trailer park elves, a breakneck pace, and plenty of gun porn (that’s the part I have trouble appreciating). I especially liked the frigid and remote settings in Siege.

We learn more about Owen and his family in this novel, too, especially his dad. Things are starting to fall into place for Owen (and the reader) as he begins to put the pieces together and figure out how he got where he is. Owen doesn’t know what the future holds, but he does know that it looks grim. I look forward to finding out what happens to him next.

I keep mentioning the audio versions of MHI which are produced by Audible Studios. The performance of the narrator, Oliver Wyman, is spot-on and spectacular. I wouldn’t think of reading this series in print. If you think you’re not an audio reader, please give these audiobooks a try. I guarantee that you will enjoy them! Monster Hunter: Siege is 15.5 hours long in audio format.

Published in 2017. #6 in multiple New York Times bestseller Larry Correia’s Monster Hunter series. GO BIG OR GO HOME. When Monster Hunter International’s top hunter, Owen Zastava Pitt, was given a tip about some hunters who had gone missing in action, he didn’t realize their rescue mission would snowball into the single biggest operation in MHI’s history. Their men are being held prisoner in a horrific nightmare dimension, and the only way to reach them is through the radioactive ruins of a monster-infested war zone. As if that wasn’t bad enough, it’s also the home base of the powerful creature behind the devastating attacks on the Last Dragon and Copper Lake. It turns out ancient gods of chaos really hate trespassers. But this god picked a fight with the wrong crew, and now MHI wants payback. Calling on their allies, a massive expedition is formed, and with the odds stacked against them, a legion of hunters goes to war. It’s D-Day at the City of Monsters.


  • Katherine Hooper

    KAT HOOPER, who started this site in June 2007, earned a Ph.D. in neuroscience and psychology at Indiana University (Bloomington) and now teaches and conducts brain research at the University of North Florida. When she reads fiction, she wants to encounter new ideas and lots of imagination. She wants to view the world in a different way. She wants to have her mind blown. She loves beautiful language and has no patience for dull prose, vapid romance, or cheesy dialogue. She prefers complex characterization, intriguing plots, and plenty of action. Favorite authors are Jack Vance, Robin Hobb, Kage Baker, William Gibson, Gene Wolfe, Richard Matheson, and C.S. Lewis.

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