Sunday Status Update: August 15, 2021

Jana: This week I finished Helene Wecker’s The Hidden Palace (hooray!) and became utterly immersed in Katherine Addison’s The Goblin Emperor (even better than I was expecting, and my expectations were high). I’m so excited to get to read Addison’s 2021 stand-alone/follow-up, The Witness for the Dead, and to revisit this lovely and treacherous world.


Bill: This week I read:

  • The Rookery:  Deborah Hewitt’s sequel to The Nightjar
  • Star Guard and Star Rangers:  two Andre Norton favorites brought to my attention again
  • How to Make an Apple Pie from Scratch: A fantastic popular science book by Harry Cliff covering the building blocks of our universe and how they were put together to get us all here
  • Da Vinci’s Cat by Catherine Gilbert Murdock,

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