I have been out of town most of this week, so the column is short today.
The Nebula Awards were announced on Friday. Here is the list of winners. Network Effect by Martha Wells took Best Novel and Ring Shout by P. Djeli Clark took Best Novella.
Chris Salisbury muses on the power of night, and what we’ve lost be fearing the darkness.
This is a nice profile of S.B. Divya.
Secondhand booksellers in the UK are piloting a scheme to pay limited royalties to the writers (as you know,
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[…] Stuart (2 December 2015). “Roadside Picnic: Russian SF classic with parallels to Vandermeer’s Area X | Fantasy Lit…. fantasyliterature.com. Retrieved 8 […]
yes, I mean, there are certainly lots of good sci-fi/fantasy novellas out there, so they aren't impossible to do, but…
Well, your review is a perfect match for what they marketed it as, so... that's good. I'm having the same…
Rumor has it he is actively writing the final novel, Master Alvin, publishing chapters through his subscription only service, but…
That's what I think,too!