Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

Day: January 6, 2016


WWWednesday: January 6, 2016

This week’s word for Wednesday is redintegrate, a verb, meaning to restore or make whole, to renew or return to a perfect state (if anything is ever in a perfect state). Redintegrate comes from the Latin redintegrare, to make whole again, and came into usage in the mid-1400s.

The Hugo nominating ballots are going out. Doesn’t it seem like we just did the Hugos? They did run on a bit last year. If you were a voting or attending member last year at Sasquan, you should already be included in the nomination process.

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The Man in the High Castle: A complex dystopian television series

The Man in the High Castle: A complex dystopian television series

Who would have thought that Philip K. Dick’s 1962 Hugo Winner about the Axis powers winning WWII would be brought to film, and not just as a single movie, but as a big-budget multi-season drama series from Amazon and produced by Ridley Scott. Stranger than fiction, as they say.

I always have two questions for film adaptations: 1) How closely does it follow the book; 2) How good is it as a stand-alone work? In this case,

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Dragonfly Falling: It’s weird, but it works

Dragonfly Falling by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Between introducing the uniquely imaginative concept of ‘Insect-kinden’ and showcasing a well-rounded display of characterization, world-building, story, pacing and prose, Adrian Tchaikovsky’s Empire in Black and Gold was not only an impressive debut, it was also a memorable start to an exciting new fantasy series. A direct continuation of Empire in Black and Gold, Dragonfly Falling is basically more of the same, just on a larger and more entertaining scale.

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Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

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January 2016