The Next Species by Michael Tennesen
The Next Species: The Future of Evolution in the Aftermath of Man, by Michael Tennesen, is an engaging, informative overview of the history of life on this planet and humanity’s impact on that life (mostly for ill), followed by a look into the future and what might happen were humanity to go extinct or diverge into a different species.
He begins with a trip to the rain forest in the Andes, cataloging the rich diversity of life in the relatively small area (“The tropical Andes contain about a sixth of the world’s plant life in less than 1 percent of its land area…
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Locus reports that John Marsden died early today. Marsden authored the 7 book series that started off with the novel…
I *do* have pear trees... hmmm.
There were at least 2 pear soup recipes that caught my eye!
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