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SFF Author: William Nicholson

fantasy author William Nicholson(1948- )
William Nicholson wrote the screenplays for Gladiator and Shadowlands. He lives in Sussex, England. Here’s William Nicholson’s website.


The Wind Singer: Somewhat uneven but many strong sections

The Wind Singer by William Nicholson

The Wind Singer is a children’s novel and so comes with all the pluses and minuses of that genre. The pace is quick with little room or time for digression or a lot of descriptive detail. The upside is that the book never once bogs down and keeps pulling the reader along. The downside, though how much of a downside will mostly depend on age and expectations, is that characterization suffers a bit and there are a few places where it would have been nice to have gotten a more full picture (both visually and in terms of plot context/background).

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Slaves of the Mastery: Solid sequel but not as imaginative as the original

Slaves of the Mastery by William Nicholson

Slaves of the Mastery picks up several years after the events of The Wind Singer and in plot and structure is similar to its predecessor, though not as original in thought or imagery. Once again, the book examines a dystopic setting. In this case it is The Mastery, a city-state of slaves and masters, one of whose leaders has raided the Manth city and taken its inhabitants, including the main characters from book one, into slavery. The book once again focuses on the Hath family (including this time Pinto,

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Next SFF Author: J.U. Nicolson
Previous SFF Author: Stan Nicholls

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