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SFF Author: Glenda Larke

Glenda LarkeGlenda Larke is from Australia. She is a farmer’s daughter, but as an adult has lived in North Africa and Europe and South-east Asia. She’s been a teacher and a naturalist. Read excerpts of her novels at Glenda Larke’s website.

Click here for more books by Glenda Larke.


The Last Stormlord: Tremendously entertaining

The Last Stormlord by Glenda Larke

Sometimes you find a fantasy novel that’s not extremely original, but is so much plain fun to read that you just can’t help but love it. The Last Stormlord by Glenda Larke is one of those books: despite using some recognizable fantasy templates, it’s a great story and a book I found extremely hard to put down.

Whenever the main character in a fantasy novel is poor and young, you can be almost certain that they’re destined for great things later in the book or series.

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Stormlord Rising: Not as enjoyable as first novel

Stormlord Rising by Glenda Larke

Stormlord Rising, the second novel in Glenda Larke’s WATERGIVERS trilogy, starts right where The Last Stormlord left off: Ryka is a captive of the marauding Reduners, Terelle is traveling to Khromatis against her will, and Jasper — the titular last stormlord — finds himself forced to work together with his nemesis (and now de facto ruler) Taquar Sardonyx to create much-needed rainstorms for the parched lands of the Quartern. With almost every main character forced into a situation they don’t want be in right from the start,

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The Lascar’s Dagger: Not bad, but nothing special

The Lascar’s Dagger by Glenda Larke

The Lascar’s Dagger is an interesting blend of political intrigue, religious debate and illustrations of how stereotyping is seldom a good idea. Glenda Larke writes at a fairly easy to consume level, neither demanding that the reader track complex plot elements nor boring the reader with nothing interesting to say. For the first book in a new series, it’s not bad, but I’m not dying to read the next book in the series either.

Saker is a rogue.

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Next SFF Author: A.K. Larkwood
Previous SFF Author: Justine Larbalestier

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